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Mortgage-backed security yields given price


[MYield,BEMBSYield] = mbsyield(Price,Settle,Maturity,IssueDate,GrossRate) computes a mortgage-backed security yield to maturity and the bond equivalent yield, given time information, and price at settlement.


[MYield,BEMBSYield] = mbsyield(___CouponRate,Delay,PrepaySpeed,PrepayMatrix) specifies options using one or more optional arguments in addition to the input arguments in the previous syntax.



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This example shows how to determine the mortgage-backed security yield, given a mortgage-backed security with the following characteristics.

Price = 102;
Settle = datetime(2002,4,15);
Maturity = datetime(2030,1,1);
IssueDate = datetime(2000,1,1);
GrossRate = 0.08125;
CouponRate = 0.075;
Delay = 14;
Speed = 100;

[MYield, BEMBSYield] = mbsyield(Price, Settle, Maturity, ... 
IssueDate, GrossRate, CouponRate, Delay,  Speed)
MYield = 
BEMBSYield = 

This example shows how to determine multiple mortgage-backed securities yields, given a portfolio of mortgage-backed securities with the following characteristics.

Price = 102;
Settle = [datetime(2000,2,13) ; datetime(2002,4,17) ; datetime(2002,5,17) ; datetime(2000,1,13)];
Maturity  = datetime(2030,1,1);
IssueDate = datetime(2000,1,1);
GrossRate = 0.08125;
CouponRate = [0.075; 0.07875; 0.0775; 0.08125];
Delay = 14;
Speed = 100;

[MYield, BEMBSYield] = mbsyield(Price, Settle, Maturity,... 
IssueDate, GrossRate, CouponRate, Delay,  Speed)
MYield = 4×1


BEMBSYield = 4×1


Input Arguments

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Clean price for every $100 face value, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector.

Data Types: double

Settlement date, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector using a datetime array, string array, or date character vectors. Settle must be earlier than Maturity.

To support existing code, mbsyield also accepts serial date numbers as inputs, but they are not recommended.

Maturity date, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector using a datetime array, string array, or date character vectors.

To support existing code, mbsyield also accepts serial date numbers as inputs, but they are not recommended.

Issue date, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector using a datetime array, string array, or date character vectors.

To support existing code, mbsyield also accepts serial date numbers as inputs, but they are not recommended.

Gross coupon rate (including fees), specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector of decimal values.

Data Types: double

(Optional) Net coupon rate, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector of decimal values.

Data Types: double

(Optional) Delay (in days) between payment from homeowner and receipt by bondholder, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector.

Data Types: double

(Optional) Speed relative to PSA standard, specified as an NMBS-by-1 vector. The PSA standard is 100.


Set the PrepaySpeed to [] if you input a customized PrepayMatrix.

Data Types: double

(Optional) Customized prepayment vector, specified as a NaN-padded matrix of size max(TermRemaining)-by-NMBS. Each column corresponds to each mortgage-backed security, and each row corresponds to each month after settlement.


Use PrepayMatrix only when PrepaySpeed is unspecified.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Yield to maturity of the mortgage-backed security, returned as a NMBS-by-1 vector. This yield is compounded monthly (12 times a year).

Bond equivalent yield of the mortgage-backed security, returned as a NMBS-by-1 vector. This yield is compounded semiannually (two times a year).


[1] PSA Uniform Practices, SF-49

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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