Accelerate Fixed-Point Simulation
This example shows how to accelerate fixed-point algorithms using the fiaccel
function. Code acceleration provides optimizations for accelerating fixed-point algorithms through MEX file generation. Fixed-Point Designer™ provides a convenience function fiaccel
to convert your MATLAB code to a MEX function, which can greatly accelerate the execution speed of your fixed-point algorithms. In this example, you generate a MEX function from MATLAB® code, run the generated MEX function, and compare the execution speed with MATLAB code simulation.
Description of the Example
This example uses a first-order feedback loop. Casting to the output-signal type prevents infinite bit growth. The output signal is delayed by one sample and fed back to dampen the input signal.
Inspect the MATLAB® Feedback Function Code
The MATLAB function that performs the feedback loop is in the file fiaccelFeedback.m
. Subscripted assignment into the output y
casts to y
's type and prevents infinite bit growth.
function [y,z] = fiaccelFeedback(x,a,y,z) for n = 1:length(x) y(n) = x(n) - a*z; z(:) = y(n); end end
The following variables are used in this function:
is the input signal vector.y
is the output signal vector.a
is the feedback gain.z
is the unit-delayed output signal.
Create the Input Signal and Initialize Variables
Put the settings of the random number generator to its default value.
Input signal.
x = fi(2*rand(1000,1)-1,true,16,15);
Feedback gain.
a = fi(0.9,true,16,15);
Initialize output. Fraction length is chosen to prevent overflow.
y = fi(zeros(size(x)),true,16,12);
Initialize delayed output.
z = cast(0,'like',y);
Run Interpreted MATLAB and Time
tic y1 = fiaccelFeedback(x,a,y,z); t1 = toc;
Build the MEX Version of the Feedback Code
Declare feedback gain parameter a
constant for code generation.
fiaccel fiaccelFeedback -args {x,coder.Constant(a),y,z} -o fiaccelFeedback_mex
Run the MEX Version and Time
Run once to load the MEX file in memory.
Run again to time.
tic y2 = fiaccelFeedback_mex(x,a,y,z); t2 = toc;
Acceleration Ratio
Compare the MEX execution speed with MATLAB code simulation.
ratio_of_speed_up = t1/t2
ratio_of_speed_up = 227.0455
Verify that Fixed-Point Interpreted MATLAB and MEX Outputs are Identical
ans = logical 1
Suppress Code Analyzer warnings.