Set and Change Options
For all Global Optimization Toolbox solvers except GlobalSearch
and MultiStart
the recommended way to set options is to use the optimoptions
function. Set GlobalSearch
and MultiStart
using their name-value pairs; see Changing Global Options.
For example, to set the ga
maximum time
to 300
seconds and set iterative display:
options = optimoptions('ga','MaxTime',300,'Display','iter');
Change options as follows:
Dot notation. For example,
options.MaxTime = 5e3;
. For example,options = optimoptions(options,'MaxTime',5e3);
Ensure that you pass options
in your solver
call. For example,
[x,fval] = ga(@objfun,2,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,@nonlcon,options);
To see the options you can change, consult the solver function reference pages. For option details, see the options reference sections.
See Also
| particleswarm
| ga
| simulannealbnd
| surrogateopt
| paretosearch
| gamultiobj