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The MATLAB® instrument driver functions makemid, midedit, and midtest will be removed in a future release. Use the ividev interface from the Instrument Control Toolbox™ Support Package for IVI® and VXIplug&play Drivers instead. For more information, see IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers.

Group Components

A group may be used to set or query the same property on several elements, or to query several related properties, at the same time. For example, all input channels on an oscilloscope can be scaled to the same value with a single command; or all current measurement setups can be retrieved and viewed at the same time.

A group consists of one or more group objects. The objects in the group share a set of properties and functions. Using these properties and functions you can control the features of the instrument represented by the group. In order for the group objects to control the instrument correctly, the group must define a selection command for the group and an identification string for each object in the group.

Selection Command

The selection command is an instrument command that configures the instrument to use the capability or physical component represented by the current group object. Note, the instrument might not have a selection command.

Identification String

The identification string identifies an object in the group. The number of identification strings listed by the group defines the number of objects in the group. The identification string can be substituted into the instrument commands written to the instrument.

When a group object instrument command is written to the instrument, the following steps occur:

  1. The selection command for the group is determined by the driver.

  2. The identification string for the group object is determined by the driver.

  3. If the selection command contains the string <ID>, it is replaced with the identification string.

  4. The selection command is written to the instrument. If empty, nothing is written to the instrument.

  5. If the instrument command contains the string <ID>, it is replaced with the identification string.

  6. The instrument command is written to the instrument.

Examples of Groups

This section includes several examples of groups, with steps to verify the code.

Creating a One-Element Group

This example combines the trigger capabilities of the Tektronix® TDS 210 oscilloscope into a trigger group. The oscilloscope allows the trigger source and slope settings to be configured. In the MATLAB instrument driver editor,

  1. Select the Groups node in the tree.

  2. Enter the group name, Trigger, in the Add Group text field and click Add.

  3. Expand the Groups node to display all the defined groups.

  4. Select the Trigger node in the tree.

  5. Select the Definition tab.

    Since the oscilloscope has only one trigger, there is not a command that will select the current trigger. The Selection command text field will remain empty.

  6. Select the Help tab to finish defining the group behavior.

    In the Help text field, enter Trigger is a trigger group. The trigger group object contains properties that configure and query the oscilloscope's triggering capabilities.

  7. Click the Save button.

Verifying the Group Behavior.  This procedure verifies the group information defined. In this example, the driver name is tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd. Communication with the Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope at primary address 2 is done via a Measurement Computing™ Corporation GPIB board at board index 0. From the MATLAB command line,

  1. Create the device object, obj, using the icdevice function.

    g = gpib('mcc',0,2);
    obj = icdevice('tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd',g);
  2. View the group you created. Note that the HwName property is the group object identification string.

       HwIndex:    HwName:     Type:            Name:  
       1           Trigger1    scope-trigger    Trigger1
  3. View the help.

    instrhelp(obj, 'Trigger')
       Trigger is a trigger group. The trigger group object contains properties
       that configure and query the oscilloscope's triggering capabilities.
  4. Delete the objects.

    delete([obj g])

Defining the Group Object Properties for a One-Element Group

This example defines the properties for the Trigger group object created in the previous example. The Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope can trigger from CH1 or CH2 when the data has a rising or falling slope.

First, the properties Source and Slope are added to the trigger group object. In the MATLAB instrument driver editor,

  1. Expand the Trigger group node to display the group object's properties and functions.

  2. Select the Properties node to define the Trigger group object properties.

  3. Enter the property name Source in the Add property text field and click the Add button

  4. Enter the property name Slope in the Add property text field and click the Add button.

  5. Expand the Properties node to display the group object's properties.

Next, define the behavior of the Source property:

  1. Select the Source node in the tree.

  2. Select the Code tab to define the set and get commands for the Source property.

    • Select Instrument Commands in the Property style field.

    • Enter TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SOUrce? in the Get command text field.

    • Enter TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SOUrce in the Set command text field.

  3. Select the Property Values tab to define the allowed property values.

    • Select String in the Data Type field.

    • Select Enumeration in the Constraint field.

    • Enter CH1 in the Add property value text field and click the Add button. Then enter CH1 in the Instrument Value table field.

    • Similarly, add the enumeration: CH2, CH2.

  4. Select the Help tab to finish defining the property behavior.

    • Enter CH1 in the Default value text field.

    • Select never in the Read only field.

    • In the Help text field, enter Specifies the source for the main edge trigger.

Next, define the behavior of the Slope property:

  1. Select the Slope node in the tree.

  2. Select the Code tab to define the set and get commands for the Slope property.

    • Select Instrument Commands in the Property style field.

    • Enter TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SLOpe? in the Get command text field.

    • Enter TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SLOpe in the Set command text field.

  3. Select the Property Values tab to define the allowed property values.

    • Select String in the Data Type field.

    • Select Enumeration in the Constraint field.

    • Enter falling in the Add property value text field and click the Add button. Then enter FALL in the Instrument Value table field.

    • Similarly add the enumeration: rising, RISe.

  4. Select the Help tab to finish defining the property behavior.

    • Enter falling in the Default value text field.

    • Select never in the Read only field.

    • In the Help text field, enter Specifies a rising or falling slope for the main edge trigger.

  5. Click the Save button.

Verifying Properties of the Group Object in MATLAB.  This procedure verifies the properties of the Trigger group object. In this example, the driver name is tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd. Communication with the Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope at primary address 2 is done via a Measurement Computing Corporation GPIB board at board index 0. From the MATLAB command line,

  1. Create the device object, obj, using the icdevice function.

    g = gpib('mcc',0,2);
    obj = icdevice('tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd',g);
  2. Extract the trigger group objects, t, from the device object.

    t = obj.Trigger
       HwIndex:    HwName:     Type:            Name:  
       1           Trigger1    scope-trigger    Trigger1
  3. Access specific properties to list its current value.

    ans =
    ans =
  4. Calling set on a specific property lists the values to which you can set the property.

    [ {CH1} | CH2 ]
    [ {falling} | rising ]
  5. Try setting the property to valid and invalid values.

    t.Source = 'CH2';
    t.Slope = 'rising';
    ans =
    ans =
    t.Source = 'CH3'
    There is no enumerated value named 'CH3'.
    t.Slope = 'steady'
    There is no enumerated value named 'steady'.
  6. View the help you wrote.

       SOURCE  [ {CH1} | CH2 ]
       Specifies the source for the main edge trigger.
       SLOPE  [ {falling} | rising ]
       Specifies a rising or falling slope for the main edge trigger.
  7. List the group object characteristics that you defined in the Property Values and Help tabs.

    ans = 
      struct with fields:
                     Type: 'string'
               Constraint: 'enum'
          ConstraintValue: {2×1 cell}
             DefaultValue: 'CH1'
                 ReadOnly: 'never'
        InterfaceSpecific: 1
    ans = 
      struct with fields:
                     Type: 'string'
               Constraint: 'enum'
          ConstraintValue: {2×1 cell}
             DefaultValue: 'falling'
                 ReadOnly: 'never'
        InterfaceSpecific: 1
  8. Connect to your instrument to verify the set and get code.



    When you issue the get function on the Source property for the trigger object, the textronix_tds210_ex.mdd driver actually sends the TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SOUrce? command to the instrument.

    ans =


    When you issue the set function on the Slope property for the trigger object, the textronix_tds210_ex.mdd driver actually sends the TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SLOpe RISe command to the instrument.

    t.Slope = 'rising';
  9. Disconnect from your instrument and delete the objects.

    delete([obj g])

Creating a Four-Element Group

This example combines the measurement capabilities of the Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope into a measurement group. The oscilloscope allows four measurements to be taken at a time. In the MATLAB instrument driver editor,

  1. Select the Groups node in the tree.

  2. Enter the group name, Measurement, in the Add group text field and click Add.

  3. Expand the Groups node to display all the defined groups.

  4. Select the Measurement node in the tree.

  5. Select the Definition tab.

    • The oscilloscope does not define an instrument command that will define the measurement that is currently being calculated. The Selection command text field will remain empty.

    • In the Identifier Name listing, change Measurement1 to Meas1 to define the identification string for the first measurement group object in the group.

    • Enter the identifiers Meas2, Meas3, and Meas4 for the remaining measurement group objects by typing each in the Identifier text field and clicking Add after each.

  6. Select the Help tab to finish defining the group behavior.

    • In the Help text field, enter Measurement is an array of measurement group objects. A measurement group object contains properties related to each supported measurement on the oscilloscope.

  7. Click the Save button.

Verifying the Group Behavior.  This procedure verifies the group information defined. In this example, the driver name is tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd. Communication with the Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope at primary address 2 is done via a Measurement Computing Corporation GPIB board at board index 0. From the MATLAB command line,

  1. Create the device object, obj, using the icdevice function.

    g = gpib('mcc',0,2);
    obj = icdevice('tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd',g);
  2. View the group you created. Note that the HwName property is the group object get(obj).

       HwIndex:    HwName:    Type:                Name:  
       1           Meas1      scope-measurement    Measurement1
       2           Meas2      scope-measurement    Measurement2
       3           Meas3      scope-measurement    Measurement3
       4           Meas4      scope-measurement    Measurement4
  3. View the help.

       Measurement is an array of measurement group objects. A measurement group
       object contains properties related to each supported measurement on the
  4. Delete the objects.

    delete([obj g])

Defining the Group Object Properties for a Four-Element Group

This example defines the properties for the Measurement group object created in the previous example. The Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope can calculate the frequency, mean, period, peak to peak value, root mean square, rise time, fall time, positive pulse width, or negative pulse width of the waveform of Channel 1 or Channel 2.

First, the properties MeasurementType, Source, Value, and Units will be added to the Measurement group object.

  1. Expand the Measurement group node to display the group object's properties and methods.

  2. Select the Properties node to define the Measurement group object properties.

  3. Enter the property name MeasurementType in the Add property text field and click the Add button.

  4. Enter the property name Source in the Add property text field and click the Add button.

  5. Enter the property name Value in the Add property text field and click the Add button.

  6. Enter the property name Units in the Add property text field and click the Add button.

  7. Expand the Properties node to display the group object's properties.

Next, define the behavior of the MeasurementType property:

  1. Select the MeasurementType node in the tree.

  2. Select the Code tab to define the set and get commands for the MeasurementType property.

    • Select Instrument Commands in the Property style field.

    • Enter Measurement:<ID>:Type? in the Get command text field.

    • Enter Measurement:<ID>:Type in the Set command text field.

  3. Select the Property Values tab to define the allowed property values.

    • Select String in the Data Type field.

    • Select Enumeration in the Constraint field.

    • Enter frequency in the Add property value text field and click the Add button. Then enter FREQuency in the Instrument Value table field.

    • Add the enumeration: mean, MEAN.

    • Add the enumeration: period, PERIod.

    • Add the enumeration: pk2pk, PK2pk.

    • Add the enumeration: rms, CRMs.

    • Add the enumeration: riseTime, RISe.

    • Add the enumeration: fallTime, FALL.

    • Add the enumeration: posWidth, PWIdth.

    • Add the enumeration: negWidth, NWIdth.

    • Add the enumeration: none, NONE.

  4. Select the Help tab to finish defining the property behavior.

    • Enter none in the Default value text field.

    • Select never in the Read only field.

    • In the Help text field, enter Specifies the measurement type.

Next, define the behavior of the Source property.

  1. Select the Source node in the tree.

  2. Select the Code tab to define the set and get commands for the Source property.

    • Select Instrument Commands in the Property style field.

    • Enter Measurement:<ID>:Source? in the Get command field.

    • Enter Measurement:<ID>:Source in the Set command field.

  3. Select the Property Values tab to define the allowed property values.

    • Select String in the Data Type field.

    • Select Enumeration in the Constraint field.

    • Enter CH1 in the Add property value text field and click the Add button. Then enter CH1 in the Instrument Value table field.

    • Similarly add the enumeration: CH2, CH2.

  4. Select the Help tab to finish defining the property behavior.

    • Enter CH1 in the Default value text field.

    • Select never in the Read only field.

    • In the Help text field, enter Specifies the source of the measurement.

Next, define the behavior of the Units property.

  1. Select the Units node in the tree.

  2. Select the Code tab to define the set and get commands for the Units property.

    • Select Instrument Commands in the Property style field.

    • Enter Measurement:<ID>:Units? in the Get command text field.

    • Since the Units property is read-only, leave the Set command text field empty.

  3. Select the Property Values tab to define the allowed property values.

    • Select String in the Data Type field.

    • Select None in the Constraint field.

  4. Select the Help tab to finish defining the property behavior.

    • Enter volts in the Default value text field.

    • Select always in the Read only field.

    • In the Help text field, enter Returns the measurement units.

Finally, define the behavior of the Value property.

  1. Select the Value node in the tree.

  2. Select the Code tab to define the set and get commands for the Value property.

    • Select Instrument Commands in the Property style field.

    • Enter Measurement:<ID>:Value? in the Get command text field.

    • Since the Value property is read-only, leave the Set command text field empty.

  3. Select the Property Values tab to define the allowed property values.

    • Select Double in the Data Type field.

    • Select None in the Constraint field.

  4. Select the Help tab to finish defining property behavior.

    • Enter 0 in Default value field.

    • Select always in the Read only field.

    • In the Help text field, enter Returns the measurement value.

  5. Click the Save button.

Verifying the Properties of the Group Object in the MATLAB software.  This procedure verifies the properties of the measurement group object. In this example, the driver name is tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd. Communication with the Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope at primary address 2 is done via a Measurement Computing Corporation GPIB board at board index 0. From the MATLAB command line,

  1. Create the device object, obj, using the icdevice function.

    g = gpib('mcc',0,2);
    obj = icdevice('tektronix_tds210_ex.mdd',g);
  2. Extract the measurement group objects, m, from the device object.

    m = obj.Measurement
       HwIndex:    HwName:    Type:                Name:  
       1           Meas1      scope-measurement    Measurement1
       2           Meas2      scope-measurement    Measurement2
       3           Meas3      scope-measurement    Measurement3
       4           Meas4      scope-measurement    Measurement4
  3. View the current values for the properties of the first group object. Calling get on the object lists all its properties.

       HwIndex:    HwName:    Type:                Name:  
       1           Meas1      scope-measurement    Measurement1
  4. Calling get on a specific property lists its current value.

    ans =
    ans =
    ans =
    ans =
  5. View the acceptable values for the properties of the group object. Calling set on the object lists all its settable properties.

        SCOPE-MEASUREMENT specific properties:
        MeasurementType: [ frequency | mean | period | pk2pk | rms | riseTime | fallTime | posWidth | negWidth | {none} ]
        Source: [ {CH1} | CH2 ]
    [ frequency | mean | period | pk2pk | rms | riseTime | fallTime | posWidth | negWidth | {none} ]
    [ {CH1} | CH2 ]
  6. Try setting the property to valid and invalid values.

    m(1).Source = 'CH2'
       HwIndex:    HwName:    Type:                Name:  
       1           Meas1      scope-measurement    Measurement1
       2           Meas2      scope-measurement    Measurement2
       3           Meas3      scope-measurement    Measurement3
       4           Meas4      scope-measurement    Measurement4
    ans =
    m(1).Source = 'CH5'
    There is no enumerated value named 'CH5'.
  7. View the help you wrote.

       VALUE  (double)  (read only)
       Returns the measurement value.
  8. List the group object characteristics that you defined in the Property Values and Help tabs.

    ans = 
      struct with fields:
                     Type: 'string'
               Constraint: 'none'
          ConstraintValue: ''
             DefaultValue: 'volts'
                 ReadOnly: 'always'
        InterfaceSpecific: 1
  9. Connect to your instrument to verify the set and get code.



    When you issue the get function on the MeasurementType property for the first measurement object in the group, the textronix_tds210_ex.mdd driver actually sends the Measurement:Meas1:Type? command to the instrument.

    ans =


    When you issue the set function on the Source property for the second measurement object in the group, the textronix_tds210_ex.mdd driver actually sends the Measurement:Meas2:Source CH2 command to the instrument.

    m(2).Source = 'CH2';
  10. Disconnect from your instrument and delete the objects.

    delete([obj g])
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