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Geographic Bubble Chart Legends

When you create a geographic bubble chart with SizeData, the chart includes a size legend that explains how the bubble sizes represent the data. The legend includes a sampling of four bubble sizes, smallest to largest. You can specify the widths of the smallest and largest bubbles using the BubbleWidthRange property. The legend labels the smallest and largest bubbles in the legend with their associated numeric values. The legend gets these values from the SizeLimits property. If you are specifying SizeData directly, the legend has no title. You can specify a title for the legend using the SizeLegendTitle property. If you are specifying a table variable for size data, the legend uses the variable name as the size legend title. The legend includes a sampling of four bubble sizes, smallest to largest. The widths of the smallest and largest bubbles can be specified using the BubbleWidthRange property. The legend labels the smallest and largest bubbles in the legend with their associated numeric values.

Similarly, if you create a geographic bubble chart with ColorData, the chart includes a color legend that shows how bubble colors map to your categorical data. The legend includes all the colors, labeled with their associated category. If you are specifying ColorData directly, the legend has no title. You can specify a title for the legend using the ColorLegendTitle property. If you are specifying a table variable for color data, the legend uses the variable name as the color legend title.

The following illustration shows the geographic bubble chart size and color legends.

Geographic bubble chart with labeled size and color legends

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