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Access Files in MATLAB Online

MATLAB® Online™ provides access to MATLAB from a standard web browser. You can access your files in MATLAB Online by adding them to your MATLAB Drive™, connecting to your Microsoft® OneDrive account from MATLAB Online, or by uploading them to MATLAB Online directly from your system. You also can download files from MATLAB Online to your system, preview files, and restore previous versions of your files.

Upload and Download Files

To upload files from your system to MATLAB Online, in your system file browser, select the files that you want to upload. Then, drag the files anywhere on the MATLAB Online desktop. MATLAB places the files in the current folder. To upload them to a specific folder, drag them over the desired folder in the Files browser. Alternatively, to upload files directly from the Files browser, right-click in white space and select Upload Files or Upload Folders.

When you upload a file to MATLAB Online, it is added to your MATLAB Drive. If you add files to your MATLAB Drive outside of MATLAB Online, you can access those files in MATLAB Online. For more information about adding files to MATLAB Drive, see Add Files to Your MATLAB Drive.

To download a file from MATLAB Online to your local system, in the Files browser, right-click the file and select Download.

Preview Files

To preview the contents of a file or folder in MATLAB Online without opening it, in the Files browser, right-click the file and select Preview. You also can click the Preview button to the right of the file or folder name.

File browser in MATLAB Online with a list of files and the file preview for the penny.m file open

Restore Files

In MATLAB Online, each time you save a code file, MATLAB stores the contents of your file in the version history. To recover a previous version of a file, select the File Versions tab.

The file version history appears, as shown in this figure.

File Versions tab of the MATLAB Online toolstrip with options to browse older and newer versions, restore the current version, and select a version to view

Browse for the version you want by selecting from the list, or by clicking Older or Newer. When you find the version, click Restore as latest. MATLAB adds the restored file version to the top of your file version history with a new timestamp and version number.


MATLAB Online stores previous versions of a file for 30 days. After 30 days, the previous version of the file is permanently deleted.

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