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Start MATLAB on Linux Platforms

To view supported Linux® distributions, see Linux System Requirements.

To start MATLAB® on Linux platforms, type matlab at the operating system prompt. If you did not set up symbolic links in the installation procedure, then type matlabroot/bin/matlab. matlabroot is the name of the folder in which you installed MATLAB. To see the folder, type matlabroot.

After starting MATLAB, the desktop opens. Desktop components that were open when you last shut down MATLAB reopen. If the DISPLAY environment variable is not set or is invalid, then the desktop does not display.

MATLAB automatically adds the userpath folder to the search path.

To customize startup, see Specify Startup Options.

The MATLAB startup folder is the folder you are in when you get the MATLAB prompt. To change the default startup folder, see MATLAB Startup Folder.

If you have trouble starting MATLAB, then see Installation and Licensing.

Startup Folder

On Linux platforms, the default startup folder is the folder from which you started MATLAB.

To specify the userpath as the startup folder, set the value of the environment variable MATLAB_USE_USERWORK to 1 before startup. By default, userpath is userhome/Documents/MATLAB. To specify a different folder for userpath, and for other options, call the MATLAB userpath function.

Execute MATLAB Script from Remote ssh Login

To execute a MATLAB script hello.m via a remote ssh login, in a terminal window type:

ssh matlab -nodisplay -nojvm < hello.m 

The ssh command pipes hello.m to MATLAB running on the remote host The -nodisplay option starts MATLAB without the desktop.

See Also

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