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matlab.unittest.plugins.plugindata.RunPluginData Class

Namespace: matlab.unittest.plugins.plugindata
Superclasses: matlab.unittest.plugins.plugindata.PluginData

Plugin data describing Test elements being run


The RunPluginData class defines the data passed by the TestRunner to plugin methods that extend the running of tests related to a method, class, or function. The TestRunner instantiates this class, so you are not required to create an object of the class directly.

The matlab.unittest.plugins.plugindata.RunPluginData class is a handle class.


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Name of the Test elements being run within the scope of a plugin method, specified as a character vector. The Name property is for informational, labeling, and display purposes. You cannot use this property to inspect the content of the Test elements being run.

Specification of the Test elements being run within the scope of a plugin method, specified as a matlab.unittest.TestSuite array.

Results from running the Test elements of the TestSuite property, specified as a matlab.unittest.TestResult array.

Modifier of the test result details, specified as an instance of the matlab.unittest.plugins.plugindata.ResultDetails class. Use ResultDetails when you need to modify the Details property of TestResult objects.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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