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Address Results in Polyspace Access Through Bug Fixes or Justifications

This topic describes how to add review information to Polyspace® results in the Polyspace Access™ web interface. For a similar workflow in the user interface of the Polyspace desktop products, see Address Results in Polyspace User Interface Through Bug Fixes or Justifications (Polyspace Bug Finder).

Once you understand the root cause of a Polyspace finding, you can fix your code. Otherwise, add review information to your Polyspace results to fix the code later or to justify the result. You can use the information to keep track of your review progress.

If you add review information to your results file, they carry over to the results of the next analysis on the same project. If you add the same information as comments to your code (annotate), they carry over to any subsequent analysis of the code, whether in the same project or not.

Add Review Information in Result Details pane

Set the Status and Severity, and optionally enter notes with more explanations in the Result Details pane. The status indicates your response to the Polyspace result.

If you do not plan to fix your code in response to a result, assign one of the following statuses:

  • Justified

  • No Action Planned

  • Not a Defect

These statuses indicate that you have given due consideration and justified that result (retained the code despite the result). Note that subsequent analyses continue to show justified results as before. For instance, a Code Prover result that was previously orange does not turn green after justification. However, during review, you can filter out justified results in one click and focus only on results that are not justified. See Filter and Sort Results in Polyspace Access Web Interface.

A Polyspace Test™ result can inherit the Jusified status. If you assign a parent node the Justified status, all the child nodes of the parent node inherit that status. A child node with an inherited Justified status shows an Inherited label in the Result Details pane.

Add Custom Status in Polyspace Access Project

If your company uses custom review statuses for results, you add those statuses in Polyspace Access. To add a custom Status:

  1. Open the results in a Polyspace desktop interface. See Open Polyspace Access Results in a Desktop Interface.

  2. In the Polyspace desktop interface, create a custom status. See Create Custom Review Status (Polyspace Bug Finder).

After you create the status, it is available from the Status dropdown in the Results Details pane. You can assign that custom status from Polyspace Access or from the Polyspace desktop interface.

Once you assign a custom status to a finding, you can apply that status to other findings in the same project. You cannot assign the custom status to findings in other projects.

Track Review Progress

To facilitate your review workflow, Polyspace Access classifies analysis findings as:

  • To Do — Findings with a status of Unreviewed that need to be addressed with a fix or a justification.

  • In Progress — Findings with a status of To fix, To investigate, or Other that need to be addressed with a fix or a justification.

  • Done — Findings with a status of Justified, No action planned, or Not a defect.


Green run-time checks, green shared variables, non-shared variables, and code metrics do not need to be addressed or justified. These findings do not count toward the number of findings that are To Do, In Progress, and Done.

In the DASHBOARD perspective, findings that are To Do or In Progress are considered as Open Issues. If a Polyspace analysis of your code finds known or acceptable defects or coding rule violations, you can remove the defects or violations from this list of Open Issues in subsequent analyses by assigning one of the justified statuses outlined above.

Comment or Annotate in Code

You can also add specific code comments or annotations in a code editor in response to Polyspace results. If you enter code comments or annotations in a specific syntax, on the next analysis of the code, the software can read them and populate the Severity, Status, and Comment fields in the result details.

For the annotation syntax, see Annotate Code and Hide Known or Acceptable Results (Polyspace Bug Finder).

If you do not explicitly specify a status in your annotation, Polyspace assumes that you have set a status of No Action Planned.

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