Set up Modelithics SELECT+ Library™.
Create a new Modelithics library object related to the library you set up.
Search the library for a component that you can mount on the Rogers4350B4mil
substrate with the vendor name ATC

The ATC 600S capacitor on a 4 mil Roger 4350B substrate fits the search criteria. Create a Modelithics component object that matches these characteristics.
pobj = mdlxPart(mdlx,'600S','Capacitors','ATC','Rogers4350B4mil',Value=1.2e-12);
Create a circuit named C_ATC_600S_Rogers4350B4mil
hckt = circuit('C_ATC_600S_Rogers4350B4mil')
Add the Modelithics component to the circuit.
Set the ports of the circuit.
setports(hckt, [1 0],[2 0]);
Display the Modelithics component.
Calculate the S-parameters of the circuit.
S = sparameters(hckt,freq);
Plot the S-parameters characteristics.