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Shunt RLC

Model shunt RLC network

  • Shunt RLC block

RF Blockset / Equivalent Baseband / Series / Shunt RLC


The Shunt RLC block models the shunt RLC network described in the block dialog box, in terms of its frequency-dependent S-parameters.

For the given resistance, inductance, and capacitance, the block first calculates the ABCD-parameters at each frequency contained in the vector of modeling frequencies, and then converts the ABCD-parameters to S-parameters using the RF Toolbox™ abcd2s function. See the Output Port block reference page for information about determining the modeling frequencies.

For this circuit, A = 1, B = 0, C = Y, and D = 1, where


and ω=2πf.

The shunt RLC object is a two-port network as shown in the following circuit diagram.

Two-port shunt RLC network


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Scalar value for the resistance. The value must be non-negative.

Scalar value for the inductance. The value must be non-negative.

Scalar value for the capacitance. The value must be non-negative.


Frequency data source, specified as User-specified.

Frequency data range, specified as a vector in hertz.

Reference impedance, specified as a nonnegative scalar in ohms.

Type of data plot to visualize using the given data, specified as one of the following:

  • X-Y plane — Generate a Cartesian plot of the data versus frequency. To create linear, semilog, or log-log plots, set the Y-axis scale and X-axis scale accordingly.

  • Composite data — Plot the composite data. For more information, see Create Plots Using Equivalent Baseband Library Blocks.

  • Polar plane — Generate a polar plot of the data. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.

  • Z smith chart, Y smith chart, and ZY smith chart — Generate a Smith® chart. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.

Type of parameters to plot based on the Plot type you set, specified as one of the following.

Plot typeY parameter1
X-Y planeS11, S12, S21, S22, GroupDelay, OIP3, NF, NFactor, and NTemp.
Composite dataNo Y parameter1 to set.
Polar planeS11, S12, S21, and S22
Z Smith chartS11 and S22.
Y Smith chartS11 and S22.
ZY smith chartS11 and S22.

Type of parameters to plot based on the Plot type you set, specified as one of the following.

Plot typeY parameter2
X-Y planeS11, S12, S21, S22, GroupDelay, OIP3, NF, NFactor, and NTemp.
Composite dataNo Y parameter2 to set.
Polar planeS11, S12, S21, and S22
Z Smith chartS11 and S22.
Y Smith chartS11 and S22.
ZY smith chartS11 and S22.

Plot format, specified as one of the following.

Y parameter1Y format1
S11, S12, S21, and S22.Magnitude (decibels), Magnitude (linear), Angle(degrees), Angle(radians), Real, and Imaginary.
GroupDelayns, us, ms, s, and ps.
OIP3dB, dBm, W, and mW.
NFMagnitude (decibels)


To enable Y format1, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Plot format, specified as one of the following.

Y parameter2Y format2
S11, S12, S21, and S22.Magnitude (decibels), Magnitude (linear), Angle(degrees), Angle(radians), Real, and Imaginary.
GroupDelayns, us, ms, s, and ps.
OIP3dB, dBm, W, and mW.
NFMagnitude (decibels)


To enable Y format2, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Frequency plot, specified as Freq.

Frequency plot format, specified as one of the following.


Y-axis scale, specified as Linear or Log.


To enable this parameter, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

X-axis scale, specified as Linear or Log.


To enable this parameter, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Plot the specified data using the plot button.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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