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MQTT properties

Use these parameters to configure MQTT broker properties and MQTT client credentials.

Broker service

Select the MQTT broker service provider that receives, filters, and sends messages to the clients.

  • ThingSpeak — Specify this option when the MQTT access to your channels is handled by a ThingSpeak™ MQTT broker.

  • Other — Specify this option when the MQTT access to your channels is handled by other MQTT public brokers such as HiveMQ®, Mosquitto™, and so on.


Default: ThingSpeak


Broker address

Enter the web address associated with the MQTT broker. When you set Broker address to ThingSpeak, the block sets the broker address to ssl:// To enter the address of a different broker, set Broker service to Other.


Default: ssl://


Enter the port number associated with the MQTT broker. When you set Broker address to ThingSpeak, the block sets the port number to 8883. To enter the port number of a different broker, set Broker service to Other.


Default: 8883


Enter user name of the MQTT client to establish a connection with the MQTT broker.


Default: <empty>


Enter password of the MQTT client to establish a connection with the MQTT broker.


Default: <empty>

Client ID

Enter identification number of the MQTT client to establish a connection with the MQTT broker.


Default: <empty>

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