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ThingSpeak Write

Publish data to Internet of Things using ThingSpeak

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.

  • ThingSpeak Write block

Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware / Ethernet Shield


The ThingSpeak Write block publishes input data from target hardware to Internet of Things (IoT) using ThingSpeak™.

ThingSpeak is an open-source IoT platform with MATLAB® analytics that allows you to collect and store the sensor data in the cloud and develop IoT applications. The ThingSpeak IoT platform provides applications that allow you to analyze and visualize your data in MATLAB and then act on the data. For more information on how to use ThingSpeak, see ThingSpeak Apps, Plugins, and Tutorials.



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The block publishes the data read to the nth field in the ThingSpeak channel at each time step. The number of data channels at the block input depends on the number of fields that you enter in the Fields to write parameter. For example, if you set the Fields to write parameter to [1 4 5], the block enables three input ports with port names field1, field4, and field5.

Data Types: single

The block sends the location data as a three-element numeric vector of the form [latitude, longitude, altitude].


To enable this port, on the Optional tab, select Send location information and set the Location source parameter to Input port.

Data Types: single | double


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Enter the unique identification number of the ThingSpeak channel from which the block reads data.

Follow these steps to find the ThingSpeak channel identification number.

  1. Sign in to ThingSpeak using your MATLAB account.

  2. Select Channels > My Channels.

  3. Select the channel from which to read data.

  4. Click the Channel Settings tab and copy the channel ID from the Channel ID parameter.

    ThingSpeak Channel Settings

  5. Open the ThingSpeak Read block in your model and paste the copied ID to the Channel ID parameter.

Enter the 16-digit write API key of the ThingSpeak channel.

Follow these steps to know the API key for your ThingSpeak channel.

  1. Sign in to ThingSpeak using your MATLAB account.

  2. Select Channels > My Channels.

  3. Select the channel to get the write API key.

  4. Click the API Keys tab and copy the key from the Read API Keys parameter.Arduino ThingSpeak Write API Key

  5. Open the ThingSpeak Read block in your model and paste the copied API key into the Read API key parameter.

Enter the field(s) of the ThingSpeak channel to which the block writes the data. For example, if you set this parameter to [1 2 3], the block writes data to three fields and has three input ports field1, field2, and field3. If you set this parameter to 1, the block writes data to only one field and has one input port field1.

Specify the time interval at which the input data is updated on the ThingSpeak channel.

Select this parameter to save the response from the ThingSpeak server to a log file for each write request. The name of the log file has the format <model_name>.log.


Select this parameter to send the location information to the ThingSpeak channel.

Select the source of the location data to one of the following:

  • Block dialog — Specify the location using the Location (latitude, longitude, altitude) parameter.

  • Input port — Specify the location using the location input port.

Use decimal degrees notation to specify latitude and longitude and use meters to specify altitude. For example:

  • The lowest human-sized point underground, the TauTona Mine in Carletonville, South Africa, is [-26.416111,27.4275,-3900].

  • The highest point measured from sea level, the summit of Mount Everest in Nepal, is [27.988056,86.925278,8848].

Enter the location information as a three-element numeric vector of the form [latitude, longitude, altitude] to send location information to the ThingSpeak channel.


To enable this parameter, set Location source to Block dialog.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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