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Class: slmetric.dashboard.Container
Namespace: slmetric.dashboard

(To be removed) Remove widget from slmetric.dashboard.Container object

The Metrics Dashboard user interface, metricdashboard function, slmetric package API, and corresponding customizations will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.


removeWidget(container,widget) removes a widget from an slmetric.dashboard.Container object. You can remove these widgets from the Metrics Dashboard:

  • slmetric.dashboard.Group

  • slmetric.dashboard.Container

  • slmetric.dashboard.CustomWidget

  • slmetric.dashboard.Widget

Use the getWidgets method to identify widgets that you want to remove from an slmetric.dashboard.Container object.

Input Arguments

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Remove widget object from an slmetric.dashboad.Group object.

Widget object that you want to remove from an slmetric.dashboard.Group object. Apply the removeWidget method to the array index containing the widget that you want to remove from the group in the slmetric.dashboard.Layout object.


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You can use the Metrics Dashboard and metric APIs to obtain compliance and issues metric data on your Model Advisor configuration. To set up your Model Advisor configuration, see Use Model Advisor Configuration Editor to Customize Model Advisor. You can also use an existing check group such as the MISRA checks. After you have set up your Model Advisor configuration, follow these steps to specify the check groups for which you want to obtain compliance and issues metric data:

Open the model vdp by entering:


Open the default configuration:

Specify a metric family ID that you associate with those check groups:

famParamID = 'ModelAdvisorStandard';

Create a cell array consisting of the Check Group IDs that correspond to the check groups. Obtain a Check Group ID by opening up the Model Advisor Configuration Editor and selecting the folder that contains the group of checks. The folder contains a Check Group ID parameter.

values = {'maab', 'hisl_do178', '_SYSTEM_By Task_misra_c'};

The previous cell array specifies MAB, High-Integrity, and MISRA check groups. The values maab and hisl_do178 correspond to a subset of MAB and High-Integrity System checks. To include all checks, specify the value for the Check Group ID parameter from the Model Advisor Configuration Editor.

To set up the configuration, pass the values cell array into the setMetricFamilyParameterValues method.

setMetricFamilyParameterValues(config, famParamID, values);

Point the High Integrity Compliance and High Integrity Check Issues widgets to the MISRA check group. To begin, open the default configuration for the Metrics Dashboard layout.

conf =;

Obtain the slmetric.dashboard.Layout object from the slmetric.dashboard.Configuration object conf.

layout = getDashboardLayout(conf);

Obtain the widget objects that are in the layout object.

layoutWidget = getWidgets(layout);

Obtain the compliance group from the layout. This group contains two containers. The first container contains the High Integrity and MAB Compliance and Check Issues widgets. Remove the High Integrity Compliance widget.

complianceGroup = layoutWidget(3);
complianceContainers = getWidgets(complianceGroup);
complianceContainerWidgets = getWidgets(complianceContainers(1));
({'mathworks.metrics.ModelAdvisorCompliance._SYSTEM_By Task_misra_c'}));
complianceContainerWidgets(1).Labels = {'MISRA'};

Add a custom widget for visualizing MISRA check issues metrics to the complianceContainers slmetric.dashboard.Container object.

misraWidget = complianceContainers(1).addWidget('Custom', 1); 
misraWidget.Title = ('MISRA'); 
misraWidget.VisualizationType = 'RadialGauge'; 
'mathworks.metrics.ModelAdvisorCheckCompliance._SYSTEM_By Task_misra_c'); 

Save the configuration objects. These commands serialize the API information to XML files.


Set the active configurations.

slmetric.config.setActiveConfiguration(fullfile(pwd, 'MetricConfig.xml'));
slmetric.dashboard.setActiveConfiguration(fullfile(pwd, 'DashboardConfig.xml'));

Open the Metrics Dashboard for the model vdp.

metricsdashboard vdp

Click the All Metrics button to run all metrics.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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R2022a: Metrics Dashboard will be removed

The Metrics Dashboard user interface, metricdashboard function, slmetric package API, and corresponding customizations will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Migrating from Metrics Dashboard to Model Maintainability Dashboard.