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Design Verifier Pane: Results

Configuration Parameter window showing Results parameter under Design Verifier pane.

Results Pane Overview

Specify options that control how Simulink® Design Verifier™ handles the results that it generates.

See Also

Review Analysis Results

Data file name

Specify a folder and file name for the MAT-file that contains the data generated during the analysis, stored in an sldvData structure.


Default: $ModelName$_sldvdata

  • Optionally, enter a path that is either absolute or relative to the path name specified in Output folder.

  • Enter a file name for the MAT-file.

  • $ModelName$ is a token that represents the model name.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVDataFileName
Type: character array
Value: any valid path and file name
Default: '$ModelName$_sldvdata'

See Also

Include expected output values

Simulate the model using test case signals and include the output values in the Simulink Design Verifier data file.


Default: Off


Simulates the model using the test case signals that the analysis produces. For each test case, the software collects the simulation output values associated with Outport blocks in the top-level system and includes those values in the MAT-file that it generates.


Does not simulate the model and collect output values for inclusion in the MAT-file that the analysis generates.


  • The TestCases.expectedOutput subfield of the MAT-file contains the output values. For more information, see Generate sldvData Structure.

  • When Include expected output values is enabled, Simulink Design Verifier successively simulates the model using each test case that it generates. Enabling this option requires more time for Simulink Design Verifier to complete its analysis.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVSaveExpectedOutput
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Randomize data that do not affect the outcome

Specify whether to use random values instead of zeros for input signals that have no impact on test or proof objectives.


Default: Off


Assigns random values to test case or counterexample signals that do not affect the outcome of test or proof objectives in a model. This option can enhance traceability and improve your regression tests.


Assigns zeros to test case or counterexample signals that do not affect the outcome of test or proof objectives in a model.


  • This option replaces default data values with random values when the Simulink Design Verifier internal analysis engine does not specify a value. When a value does not influence the satisfaction of a test or proof objective, the generated analysis report indicates that value with a dash (–).

  • Simulink Design Verifier generated analysis reports show the setting of this option.

  • Enable this option to enhance traceability when simulating test cases or counterexamples. For instance, consider the following model:

    Only the signal entering the Switch block control port impacts its decision coverage. If the Randomize data that does not affect outcome parameter is off, Simulink Design Verifier uses zeros to represent the signals from In1 and In3. When inspecting the results from test case or counterexample simulations, it is unclear which of these signals passes through the Switch block because they have the same value. But if the Randomize data that does not affect outcome parameter is on, the software uses unique values to represent each of those signals. In this case, it is easier to determine which signal passes through the Switch block.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVRandomizeNoEffectData
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Generate separate harness model after analysis

Create a harness model generated by the Simulink Design Verifier analysis.


Default: Off


Saves the harness model that Simulink Design Verifier generates as a model file.


Does not save the harness model that Simulink Design Verifier generates.


This parameter enables Harness model file name.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVSaveHarnessModel
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Harness model file name

Specify a folder and file name for the harness model.


Default: $ModelName$_harness

  • Optionally, enter a path that is either absolute or relative to the path name specified in Output folder.

  • Enter a file name for the harness model.

  • $ModelName$ is a token that represents the model name.


This parameter is enabled by Generate separate harness model after analysis.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVHarnessModelFileName
Type: character array
Value: any valid path and file name
Default: '$ModelName$_harness'

See Also

Reference input model in generated harness

Use a Model block to reference the model to run in the harness model.


Default: On


Uses a Model block to reference the model to run in the harness model.


Uses a copy of the model in the harness model.


  • If the Test Unit in the harness model is a subsystem, the values of the Simulink simulation optimization parameters on the Configuration Parameters dialog box can affect the coverage results.


    The simulation optimization parameters are on the following Configuration Parameters dialog box panes:

    • Optimization pane

    • Optimization > Signals and Parameters pane

    • Optimization > Stateflow pane

  • On the Design Verifier > Parameters pane, if you select the Apply parameters parameter, Simulink Design Verifier uses a subsystem that contains a copy of the original model in the harness model, even if you select Reference input model in generated harness.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVModelReferenceHarness
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Test File Name

Name and path for test file name in Simulink Test™


Default: $ModelName$_test

  • Enter a file name for the test file containing Simulink Design Verifier results.

  • $ModelName$ is a token that represents the model name.

  • You can enter an absolute path, or a path relative to that specified by Output folder in the Design Verifier pane.


This parameter is visible and enabled if you have a Simulink Test license.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVSlTestFileName
Type: character array
Value: any valid path and file name
Default: '$ModelName$_test'

See Also

Test Harness Name

Name of the test harness in Simulink Test


Default: $ModelName$_sldvharness

  • Enter a valid name for the test harness built to simulate Simulink Design Verifier test cases. The test harness corresponds to the test file specified by the parameter Test File name.

  • The $ModelName$ token represents the model name.

  • Enter a valid MATLAB® identifier for the test harness name.


This parameter is visible and enabled with a Simulink Test license.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVSlTestHarnessName
Type: character array
Value: any valid file name
Default: '$ModelName$_sldvharness'

See Also