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Modem Status

Return state of modem control lines

Since R2020b

  • Modem Status block

Simulink Real-Time / RS232 / Mainboard


The Modem Status block reads the state of the input modem control lines.

This block has outputs of type Boolean. If the input voltage is positive, the output is true. If the input voltage is negative, the output is false.



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If true, the modem is ready to receive data.


To make this output visible, select the CTS parameter.

If true, the modem is ready to send and receive data.


To make this output visible, select the DSR parameter.

If true, the modem is receiving a carrier from a remote device.


To make this output visible, select the DCD parameter.


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Select this check box to monitor the CTS line of the modem.

Selecting this parameter makes the CTS port visible.

Programmatic Use


Select this check box to monitor the DSR line of the modem.

Selecting this parameter makes the DSR port visible.

Programmatic Use


Select this check box to monitor the DCD line of the modem.

Selecting this parameter makes the DCD port visible.

Programmatic Use


Enter the base sample time or a multiple of the base sample time. -1 means that sample time is inherited.

Programmatic Use


Selects the RS232 serial port for communications. If using USB-to-serial adapters, the target computer detects these adapters as serusb1, serusb2, and so on in the order that the adapters are connected to the serial devices. The order of port assignment is retained through the power cycle of the target computer or serial device if there is no change in the connections to the ports.

Programmatic Use


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b