Troubleshoot Signal Data Logging from Inport in Referenced Model in Test Harness
A Simulink® Test™ test harness is available for a Simulink Real-Time™ model. The model has a referenced model that contains an inport whose signal are marked for data logging in the Simulation Data Inspector. During testing, this error occurs:
Warning: Streaming to the SDI is not available for signal at <sldiag objui="outport" objparam="1" objname="{'Example_Harness1/Example', 'Example/Input'}">output port 1</sldiag> of block '{'Example_Harness1/Example', 'Example/Input'}'. Add a SignalCopy block at that port and instrument the SignalCopy output port.
What This Issue Means
It is not possible to stream signal data from the referenced model inport for logging from within the test harness.
Try This Workaround
Mark the input signals to the model block for logging. This model provides an example workaround. For more information, see the Simulink Test documentation.