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Get number of links to IBM DOORS Next artifacts


count = slreq.dngCountLinks(sourceArtifact) returns the total number of links from sourceArtifact to IBM® DOORS® Next artifacts.

count = slreq.dngCountLinks(sourceArtifact,config) returns the total number of links from sourceArtifact to the specified IBM DOORS Next configuration config.

Input Arguments

collapse all

The Simulink® link source artifact, specified as a character vector or a string or as an slreq.LinkSet object.

IBM DOORS Next Project configuration identifier. The configuration identifier can be the name, ID, or the configuration structure. The name and ID can be specified as a character vector or string. The configuration structure can be specified as a MATLAB® structure.

Output Arguments

collapse all

The total number of links from sourceArtifact to the IBM DOORS Next Project, returned as a double.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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