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Average-Value DC-DC Converter

Average-value DC-DC converter

  • Average-Value DC-DC Converter block

Simscape / Electrical / Semiconductors & Converters / Converters


The Average-Value DC-DC Converter block represents a controlled average-value DC-DC converter. This block implements a non-synchronous, unidirectional, DC-DC converter with power flow from terminals 1 to terminals 2. You can program the block as a buck converter, boost converter, or buck-boost converter by providing the duty cycle. The diagram shows the equivalent circuit for the block with duty cycle as input. The converter contains a controlled current source and a controlled voltage source. Use the duty cycle, the current reference, or the voltage reference ports as control input to convert the electrical energy between the connected components on either side of the converter.


If you set the Control input parameter to Duty cycle, the input current and output voltage are a function of the duty cycle and depend on the converter type.

Voltage and Current Equations

Converter TypeOutput Voltage, v2Input Current, i1

If you set the Control input parameter to Current reference, the converter sets the output current and it computes the voltage.

Similarly, if you set the Control input parameter to Voltage reference, the converter sets the output voltage and it computes the current.

Limitations and Assumptions

  • The input voltage is positive.

  • All converter types use the same polarity for input and output.




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Electrical conserving port associated with the duty cycle.


To enable this port, set Control Input to Duty Cycle.

Data Types: double

Electrical conserving port associated with the current reference.


To enable this port, set Control Input to Current reference.

Data Types: double

Electrical conserving port associated with the voltage reference.


To enable this port, set Control Input to Voltage reference.

Data Types: double

Electrical conserving port associated with the positive terminal of the first DC voltage.

Data Types: double

Electrical conserving port associated with the negative terminal of the first DC voltage.

Data Types: double

Electrical conserving port associated with the positive terminal of the second DC voltage.

Data Types: double

Electrical conserving port associated with the negative terminal of the second DC voltage.

Data Types: double


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Specify the control input to convert the electrical energy between the two sides.

Type of converter.


To enable this parameter, set Control Input to Duty Cycle.

Specify the parameterization of the converter efficiency. If you select Tabulated, conduction losses will depend on the provided output current.


For tabulated efficiency, the extrapolation method is nearest. Therefore, the efficiency does not go above the highest value or below the lowest value in the Efficiency vector (%) parameter.

Efficiency of the converter, in percentage.


To enable this parameter, set Converter efficiency to Constant.

Vector of output currents.


To enable this parameter, set Converter efficiency to Tabulated.

Vector of efficiencies for each output current specified in Output current vector, in percentage. This parameter must have the same size of Output current vector.


To enable this parameter, set Converter efficiency to Tabulated.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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