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Resolve Issues with Radio Setup Validation


Once you have connected and set up your radio using the Radio Setup wizard, the Validate step runs several tests to verify the correct configuration of the host and radio. If any of these tests fail, the wizard prompts you to take additional actions.

Possible Solutions

Host IP Address Configuration Test

If the host IP address configuration test fails, check that the host IP address that you selected in the Select Link Configuration step in the wizard matches the host network configuration of the host operating system (OS).

Host-Radio Connection Test

If the host-radio connection test fails:

  • Check that the physical connection between the radio and host is through the correct ports.

  • Check that the radio is on or try turning the radio off and on again.

  • Go back to the Set Up SD Card step in the wizard and set up the SD card again with a compatible image.

Radio Filesystem Image Version Test

If the version test fails for the image of the radio filesystem (applies to NI™ USRP™ N3xx and X410 radios):

  • Disable any OS firewall for the host network interface that is connected to the radio.

  • Click Update Image and follow the steps to download, validate, and update the image.

If the version validation of the NI USRP N3xx or X410 radio filesystem image fails after you follow the steps in the wizard to update the image, you can update the filesystem manually. If your host computer has a Windows® OS, OpenSSH Client is required.

  1. Follow the steps in the wizard to download, extract, and validate the correct filesystem image file.

  2. Update your radio filesystem by using a Windows PowerShell or Linux® terminal. By default, the radio IP address is If you configured your radio with a different IP address in the network configuration step of the wizard, specify that IP address instead of in these commands.

    1. Copy the extracted .mender filesystem image file onto the radio. If necessary, provide the full path to the image file.

      $ scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <mender_filesystem_image> root@

    2. Log in to the radio.

      $ ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@

    3. Install the new filesystem image. Then restart your radio. These steps take several minutes.

      # mender install /tmp/wt-uhd-image.mender
      # reboot

    4. Log in to the radio.

      $ ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@

    5. Make the filesystem changes permanent on the radio.

      # mender commit

    For more information on updating the radio filesystem, see Installing the Mender Artifact on the hardware vendor website.

  3. Return to the Radio Setup wizard and follow the instructions to revalidate your radio setup.

Host OS Optimization Test

The Radio Setup wizard validates the optimization settings on your OS. Any validation failure that occurs during this teat does not stop you from progressing to the next wizard step. However, if the host OS optimization test fails, you can manually update your OS.

  • On a Windows OS, follow these steps:

    1. Locate the FastSendDatagramThreshold.reg file at UHD_INSTALL/win64 path by running these commands in MATLAB®.

      >> uhd_install_location = getUHDInstallLocation
      >> winopen(fullfile(uhd_install_location,'win64'))

    2. Run the FastSendDatagramThreshold.reg file.

    3. Restart your computer.

  • On a Linux OS, run these commands in a terminal:

    `echo "net.core.rmem_max=2500000" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf`
    `echo "net.core.wmem_max=2500000" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf`
    `sudo sysctl -p`

Radio Transmit and Receive Test

During the final validation test, the Radio Setup wizard validates the data transfer by transmitting and receiving a test waveform. Any validation failure that occurs during this step does not stop you from progressing. However, you can take the following steps:

  • Fix any OS optimization test failure that occurs in the previous validation test. For details, see Host OS Optimization Test.

  • Disable any OS firewall for the host network interface that is connected to the radio.

  • Check that you have attached an antenna or a loopback cable to the correct port.

See Also

