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I'm trying to write an equation with e, but I assume it would just take it as an undeclared variable.




Why do I get the 'We have detected suspicious behavior' prompt? kA03q0000015O7gCAE 000184625



This example project can be used as a reference design to get started with designing Battery Management System with MATLAB and Simulink.


Online optimization of energy storage actions in a microgrid given system constraints and pricing


An algorithm for manifold learning and dimension reduction.


MATLAB/Simulink Based Modelling of Solar Photovoltaic Cell, Panel and Array


PID controller simulator on an LTI system w/ or w/o input delays


MATLAB-Simulink model of IEEE 33 Bus System (Baran and Wu, 1989)


Learn how to deploy an algorithm to an FPGA using MATLAB and Simulink.


BESS are commonly used for load leveling, peak shaving, load shifting applications and etc.


Rad/s is nice for mechanical people, but I'm an EE, and I much prefer Hertz. It should be something simple, but I can't find it in the help.



Course Materials for an Introductory Analog and Digital Communications Systems Course using MathWorks-Supported Software-Defined Radio


Cynthia Brewer's ColorBrewer palettes, ported to MATLAB, with nice interpolation.


Simscape electrolyzer converting water and electricity (wind/solar renewable sources) into H2 gas. Alkaline technology included.


Virtual labs and mechanisms for studying controls.


Hello, i am trying to make a bode plot of the transfer function of a twin-t notch filter, that i am analyzing. I was able to produce the transfer function, and the bode plot by hand, but i am struggling to do it in Matlab, here is what i have so far: r=320; %Resistance c=100*10^-9; %Capactiance p=(...



Hi everyone, right now im trying to calculate signal phases using angle(x) from FFT Function im Matlab. Noted that i've coded the program like below : %% Plotting Grafik %create a time vector 't', containing integers from 1 to n(summary of data) count= length(data); Ts=mean(diff(times1)...



Example files for MATLAB and Simulink Robotics Arena walking robot videos.


I am trying to find zero-crossings of a function in Matlab and plot the points where zero-crossing occurs. However, i am not able to find an easy way. I tried and Matlab fnzeros, but i can't understand the spmak and x,y used in these function. The function for which i want to find zero crossing...



Hi, I made a plot which displays the condition of cars of a particular brand overtime. What i would like to do is to make the plot beautiful in apperance for presentation. I tried movmean, smoothing, choosing larger time intervals to avoid the jittering of the data points. But none of them helped me...




%Data Given N = 51; mu = 0.1; %Pa dt = 0.01; %delta time dr = 0.0002; %radius between the points rho = 1000; %kg/m3 k = [0,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.85]; %time R = 0.01; %m [r] = d_gridpoint(R); %Constant Break Down q = (mu*dt)/(rho*dr^2); p = (mu*dt)./(2*rho*r*dr); e = (2*mu*dt)/(rho*dr^2); aw = (q)-(p); ap ...



How can I save the MATLAB command window output to a text file? kA00Z000001DXuqSAG 000100893



I'm using Dell precision 7510 with preinstalled Ubuntu 14.04(I have the driver the NVIDIA). I just downloaded the MATLAB R2017a and I run into the following error. I just searched and found it's not just me who have the same problem. I wonder if this problem is fixable? To put it in another...



When I plot the frequency domain the power is not 3 and 5 as I expect. I read the documentation for fft() and cannot figure out how to normalize my fft properly. Can someone explain the procedure to normalize the cosines and a Gaussian wave? Thanks clear all; %generate the signal t = 0:1/2000:.02; ...



I want to ask the user if they want to EXP1 or EXP2. If the user enters '1' or '2', then I want to display "running exp 1 or 2", otherwise I want the program to display error message until the user enters '1' or '2'. prompt = input('Please enter 1 for E...



In this model, a Microgrid test system based on the 14-busbar IEEE distribution system is proposed.


I am a python programmer and new to Matlab. Therefore, facing some basic issues. Please help me out with this. I am pasting my code here. Error Message: Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. Error in spectrum_uncompressed (line 30) X_per_bartlett...



Hello i have a 54000 x 10 matrix i want to split it 70% training and 30% testing whats the easiest way to do that ?



Hi, Community I wanna ask about how to do a Gaussian Filter in just 1D data.... So i have a data vector based on time series like this : And i want to filter the data by using Gaussian Filter. So, Anyone, How to do that? Thank you so much....



I have a histogram that I want to plot just as a simple line plot. I have tried: h = histogram(speed,'Normalization','probability') plot(h) But then I got an error message: Not enough input arguments. Does anyone know how I can do it? Many thanks!



I need to convert my matrix [648x2400 double] into integers value to use a mRMR function, but I do not know how to do that. I have tried to convert by uint8(matrix) or int8(matrix) but it does not give integers... And I always have this note: "Undefined function 'mrmr_mid_d' for input ...



In today's blog, Khushin Lakhara from the Student Programs team at MathWorks will explore the concept of sensitivity analysis and its significance in engineering design. Over to you, Khushin... For this blog, our attention will be on the student competition score function, especially competiti...


Follow along with the code examples from the "Practical Deep Learning Examples with MATLAB" ebook


A toolbox for the computation of the Fast Marching algorithm in 2D and 3D.


Label plots with spectra. Convert wavelengths to RGB. Functions for color matching and illuminants.


this is the QAM modulation and demodulation tech. with speech example


abfload imports data in the Axon abf format (three different recording modes).


Hi I've a question about matlab simulink when I run a code, there are message "MATLAB cannot run this file because c:\~~~ shadows it. delete shadowing file and try again" what's the problem? And why this happen??



How can I download 2011b version of MATLAB?




This keeps coming up as an error, what am I doing wrong? prompt= 'State your name, Your Grace '; name=input(prompt);



I'm new to MATLAB and am still getting used to the workspace. When I open a new file or script, it always comes out in a new window. How can I get it to be opened in the same window as the commands? Thanks!



Let's say I am working in the directory: /home/username/Matlab/ I want to save (in a script) the directory one above the one I am working in (to use it later in the script), so: newdir='home/username'; But I am working in different computers, so the 'username' changes, thus I wa...



Hello , I want to concatenate string and number in for loop requestID = Req_Check; for k = 1 : 10 requestID = requestID +1; end I am expecting requestID after for loop like Req_Check_1, Req_Check_2 ...Req_Check_10 How can I do this?



Given a matrix, swap the 2nd & 3rd columns If a = [1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4];then the result is ans = 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4Perform a simple swap of the two middle columns. %%x = [1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1...

I closed the "Current Folder" window by mistake. How can I re-display it?



© kreutzweise.de Great ideas don’t always stand the test of time. It may be due to some drawbacks that knock out the great advantage, or it simply is too expensive or difficult to implement. The following article will share a contradicting example. Enjoy this engineering success story of originalit...


I have two categorical column vectors of size 872-by-1. I want to calculate the Levenshtein distance between these two. When I am using the command 'editDistance' for this I am getting an error as "Argument 1 must be a string array, a character vector, or a cell array of character vect...



y25=[1.875000000000000,3.046875000026040] How can I add 0 (zero) to the beginning of this array? I want to get the array y25=[0,1.875000000000000,3.046875000026040] Thank You.



My code so far is below. I have the code so that it skips the first 19 lines and starts at line 20. However, I need to remove the NaN values that are in my data like Columns = [10;0.04500;0;NaN;NaN] for example. The line I have to remove the NaN's runs, it's just not removing them. I'm ...



As read Can I add custom fonts to my MATLAB Desktop in Preferences? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central and MATLAB for Windows Instructions · tonsky/FiraCode Wiki I followed the steps and added fonts...



Dear matlab members; I am about using the pre built PV array block in simulink to fit my work so i copy the blocks and the code and use it without mask So i have to look under mask , taking the...



I have installed MatLab and associated my academic license but when I try to open it I get the message 'Error 5201'. I have tried to solve it following the steps indicated in 'Help' - reinstall it, disable antivirus and firewall - but it doesn't work. According to MathWorks th...



My Goal Add a movable cuboid (vehicle) in MATLAB siteviewer (OSM map). Use raytrace to analyze the impact of the vehicle on signal propagation, observing: Propagation Delay (changes in signal delay),Path Loss (changes in signal power loss) Ensure that raytrace considers the vehicle as an obstruc...



suppose for my model i need 2 windings in primary side and 1 winding in secondary side. so which transformer should i use from transformer block



MATLAB simulation of a single-phase half-controlled converter using two thyristors and two diodes to convert AC to DC.


This curriculum module uses interactive examples to teach problem-solving from a systems-thinking perspective in engineering.


Given a matrix A, write a function that returns the sum of all positive elements in A.Input: A = [-3, 4, -1; 6, -2, 8] Output: y = 18 %% Test 1A = [-3, 4, -1; 6, -2, 8];y_correct =...


Robust Virtual Inertia Control of a Low Inertia Microgrid Considering Measurement Effects


Implementation of photovoltaic array MPPT through fixed step predictive control technique


A boost converter is a type of DC-to-DC converter that steps up the input voltage to a higher output voltage.


As hospitals integrate more advanced patient monitoring systems, the ability to process, analyze, and act on real-time medical data has become critical. Traditional monitoring systems generate large amounts of sensor data, but manually interpreting this data in real time is challenging for clinicia...


Hi! I'm Joseff and along with being a student in chemical engineering, one of my great passions is language-learning. I learnt something really cool recently about Catalan (a romance language closely related to Valencian that's spoken in Andorra, Catalonia, and parts of Spain) — and that ...




📢 We want to hear from you! We're a team of graduate student researchers at the University of Michigan studying MATLAB Drive and other cloud-based systems for sharing coding files. Your feedback will help improve these tools. Take our quick survey here: Tak...



Last year I discussed the collaboration between the open source optimization library, HiGHS and MathWorks. This included some exciting new integration of the HiGHS library with MATLAB which, among other things, is speeding up MATLAB's linear and mixed-integer programming solvers linprog and intl...


Today, we’re sharing some predictions on what the startup ecosystem might look like in 2025. In no particular order, here are some of the key themes we anticipate: Corporate Engagement in Startups – We’ve seen a rise in large corporations interested in startups, not just through monetary investment...


6G will unlock new use cases for wireless cellular networks, such as sensing and building digital twins. To support these innovations, integrating advanced link-level simulations with ray tracing delivers high simulation accuracy in performance evaluations. This combination enables precise modelling...


Imagine you are developing a new toolbox for MATLAB. You have a folder full of a few .m files defining a bunch of functions and you are thinking 'This would be useful for others, I'm going to make it...



Add 2 to any number. %%x = 1;y_correct = 3;assert(isequal(add2(x),y_correct)) function y = add2(x) y = 2 + x;end easy


Guest Writer: Eric Ludlam Joining us again is Eric Ludlam, development manager of the MATLAB charting team. Discover more about Eric on our contributors page. In the previous blog article, we...


I am glad to inform and share with you all my new text book titled "Inverters and AC Drives Control, Modeling, and Simulation Using Simulink", Springer, 2024. This text book has nine chapters and three appendices. A separate "Instructor Manual" is rpovided with solutions to se...



In this problem, you are tasked with rotating a given matrix by 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. The input will be a square matrix (i.e., the number of rows is equal to the number of...

You recently bought an electric kettle for your kitchen, and you want to estimate how much it costs to run every month. The kettle operates at 230V and consumes 2000W (or 2kW) when in use. You...


A voltage divider is a simple circuit used to obtain a reduced voltage from a higher voltage source using two resistors in series. The output voltage (Vout​) is given by the formula:​​Where:Vout​ is...


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