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I was curious to startup your new AI Chat playground.
The first screen that popped up made the statement:
"Please keep in mind that AI sometimes writes code and text that seems accurate, but isnt"
Can someone elaborate on what exactly this means with respect to your AI Chat playground integration with the Matlab tools?
Are there any accuracy metrics for this integration?
At the present time, the following problems are known in MATLAB Answers itself:
- @doc is presenting messed up text until something is selected
- Symbolic output is not displaying. The work-around is to disp(char(EXPRESSION))
- Near the top of each Question is displayed a link of the most recent activity on the question. The link is normally clickable and takes you directly to the relevant contribution. But at the moment the link does not take you anywhere
Let's say you have a chance to ask the MATLAB leadership team any question. What would you ask them?
I was browsing the MathWorks website and decided to check the Cody leaderboard. To my surprise, William has now solved 5,000 problems. At the moment, there are 5,227 problems on Cody, so William has solved over 95%. The next competitor is over 500 problems behind. His score is also clearly the highest, approaching 60,000.
I wish I knew more about the intended evolution of the capabilities of the function arguments block. I love implementing function syntaxes using this relatively new form, but it doesn't yet handle some function syntax design patterns that I think are valuable and worth keeping.
For example, some functions take an input quantity that can something numeric, or it can be an option string that descriptively names a particular value of that quantity. One example is dateshift(t,"dayofweek",dow), where dow can be an integer from 1 to 7, or it can be one of the option strings "weekday" or "weekend".
Another example is Image Processing Toolbox that take a connectivity specifier as input. The function bwconncomp is one particular case. Connectivity can be specified using certain scalars, certain arrays, or the option string "maximal".
I think this is a worthwhile function design pattern, but I don't think the arguments block validation functionality supports it well (unless you use a lot of extra code that duplicates standard MATLAB behavior, which undermines the value of the arguments block).
MathWorkers - believe me, I know that it is not in your DNA to discuss future features. But would anyone care to offer a hint about directions for the arguments block functionality?
Hi! My name is Mike McLernon, and I’m a product marketing engineer with MathWorks. In my role, I look at the trends ongoing in the wireless industry, across lots of different standards (think 5G, WLAN, SatCom, Bluetooth, etc.), and I seek to shape and guide the software that MathWorks builds to respond to these trends. That’s all about communicating within the Mathworks organization, but every so often it’s worth communicating these trends to our audience in the world at large. Many of the people reading this are engineers (or engineers at heart), and we all want to know what’s happening in the geek world around us. I think that now is one of these times to communicate an important milestone. So, without further ado . . .
Bluetooth 6.0 is here! Announced in September by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), it’s making more advances in its quest to create a “world without wires”. A few of the salient features in Bluetooth 6.0 are:
- Channel sounding (for accurate distance measurements)
- Decision-based advertising filtering (for more efficient channel scanning)
- Monitoring advertisers (for improved energy efficiency when devices come into and go out of range)
- Frame space updates (for both higher throughput and better coexistence management)
Bluetooth 6.0 includes other features as well, but the SIG has put special promotional emphasis on channel sounding (CS), which once upon a time was called High Accuracy Distance Measurement (HADM). The SIG has said that CS is a step towards true distance awareness, and 10 cm ranging accuracy. I think their emphasis is in exactly the right place, so let’s learn more about this technology and how it is used.
CS can be used for the following use cases:
- Keyless vehicle entry, performed by communication between a key fob or phone and the car’s anchor points
- Smart locks, to permit access only when an authorized device is within a designated proximity to the locks
- Geofencing, to limit access to designated areas
- Warehouse management, to monitor inventory and manage logistics
- Asset tracking for virtually any object of interest
In the past, Bluetooth devices would use a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurement to infer the distance between two of them. They would assume a free space path loss on the link, and use a straightforward equation to estimate distance:
received power in dBm,
transmitted power in dBm,
propagation loss in dB,
distance between the two devices, in m,
Bluetooth signal wavelength, in m,
Bluetooth signal frequency, in Hz,
speed of light (3 x 1e8 m/s).
So in this method, . But if the signal suffers more loss from multipath or shadowing, then the distance would be overestimated. Something better needed to be found.
Bluetooth 6.0 introduces not one, but two ways to accurately measure distance:
- Round-trip time (RTT) measurement
- Phase-based ranging (PBR) measurement
The RTT measurement method uses the fact that the Bluetooth signal time of flight (TOF) between two devices is half the RTT. It can then accurately compute the distance d as
, where c is again the speed of light. This method requires accurate measurements of the time of departure (TOD) of the outbound signal from device 1 (the Initiator), time of arrival (TOA) of the outbound signal to device 2 (the Reflector), TOD of the return signal from device 2, and TOA of the return signal to device 1. The diagram below shows the signal paths and the times.
If you want to see how you can use MATLAB to simulate the RTT method, take a look at Estimate Distance Between Bluetooth LE Devices by Using Channel Sounding and Round-Trip Timing.
The PBR method uses two Bluetooth signals of different frequencies to measure distance. These signals are simply tones – sine waves. Without going through the derivation, PBR calculates distance d as
, where
distance between the two devices, in m,
speed of light (3 x 1e8 m/s),
phase measured at the Initiator after the tone at completes a round trip, in radians,
phase measured at the Initiator after the tone at completes a round trip, in radians,
frequency of the first tone, in Hz,
frequency of the second tone, in Hz.
The mod() operation is needed to eliminate ambiguities in the distance calculation and the final division by two is to convert a round trip distance to a one-way distance. Because a given phase difference value can hold true for an infinite number of distance values, the mod() operation chooses the smallest distance that satisfies the equation. Also, these tones can be as close as 1 MHz apart. In that case, the maximum resolvable distance measurement is about 150 m. The plot below shows that ambiguity and repetition in distance measurement.
If you want to see how you can use MATLAB to simulate the PBR method, take a look at Estimate Distance Between Bluetooth LE Devices by Using Channel Sounding and Phase-Based Ranging.
Bluetooth 6.0 outlines RTT and PBR distance measurement methods, but CS does not mandate a specific algorithm for calculating distance estimates. This flexibility allows device manufacturers to tailor solutions to various use cases, balancing computational complexity with required accuracy and adapting to different radio environments. Examples include simple phase difference calculations and FFT-based methods.
Although Bluetooth 6.0 is now out, it is far from a finished version. The SIG is actively working through the ratification process for two major extensions:
- High Data Throughput, up to 8 Mbps
- 5 and 6 GHz operation
See the last few minutes of this video from the SIG to learn more about these exciting future developments. And if you want to see more Bluetooth blogs, give a review of this one! Finally, if you have specific Bluetooth questions, give me a shout and let’s start a discussion!
Christmas season is underway at my house:
(Sorry - the ornament is not available at the MathWorks Merch Shop -- I made it with a 3-D printer.)
Just shared an amazing YouTube video that demonstrates a real-time PID position control system using MATLAB and Arduino.
I am very excited to share my new book "Data-driven method for dynamic systems" available through SIAM publishing: https://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/1.9781611978162
This book brings together modern computational tools to provide an accurate understanding of dynamic data. The techniques build on pencil-and-paper mathematical techniques that go back decades and sometimes even centuries. The result is an introduction to state-of-the-art methods that complement, rather than replace, traditional analysis of time-dependent systems. One can find methods in this book that are not found in other books, as well as methods developed exclusively for the book itself. I also provide an example-driven exploration that is (hopefully) appealing to graduate students and researchers who are new to the subject.
Each and every example for the book can be reproduced using the code at this repo: https://github.com/jbramburger/DataDrivenDynSyst
Hope you like it!
Hello, MATLAB fans!
For years, many of you have expressed interest in getting your hands on some cool MathWorks merchandise. I'm thrilled to announce that the wait is over—the MathWorks Merch Shop is officially open!
In our shop, you'll find a variety of exciting items, including baseball caps, mugs, T-shirts, and YETI bottles.
Visit the shop today and explore all the fantastic merchandise we have to offer. Happy shopping!
So I made this.
close all
% inspired from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CuUmy7jX6k
%% user parameters
h = 768;
w = 1024;
N_snowflakes = 50;
%% set figure window
figure(NumberTitle="off", ...
name='Mat-snowfalling-lab (right click to stop)', ...
ax = gca;
ax.XAxisLocation = 'origin';
ax.YAxisLocation = 'origin';
axis equal
axis([0, w, 0, h])
ax.Color = 'k';
ax.XAxis.Visible = 'off';
ax.YAxis.Visible = 'off';
ax.Position = [0, 0, 1, 1];
%% first snowflake
ht = gobjects(1, 1);
for i=1:length(ht)
ht(i) = hgtransform();
ht(i).UserData = snowflake_factory(h, w);
ht(i).Matrix(2, 4) = ht(i).UserData.y;
ht(i).Matrix(1, 4) = ht(i).UserData.x;
im = imagesc(ht(i), ht(i).UserData.img);
im.AlphaData = ht(i).UserData.alpha;
colormap gray
%% falling snowflake
while true
% add a snowflake every 0.3 seconds
if toc > 0.3
if length(ht) < N_snowflakes
ht = [ht; hgtransform()];
ht(end).UserData = snowflake_factory(h, w);
ht(end).Matrix(2, 4) = ht(end).UserData.y;
ht(end).Matrix(1, 4) = ht(end).UserData.x;
im = imagesc(ht(end), ht(end).UserData.img);
im.AlphaData = ht(end).UserData.alpha;
colormap gray
ax.CLim = [0, 0.0005]; % prevent from auto clim
% move snowflakes
for i = 1:length(ht)
ht(i).Matrix(2, 4) = ht(i).Matrix(2, 4) + ht(i).UserData.velocity;
if strcmp(get(gcf, 'SelectionType'), 'alt')
set(gcf, 'SelectionType', 'normal')
% delete the snowflakes outside the window
for i = length(ht):-1:1
if ht(i).Matrix(2, 4) < -length(ht(i).Children.CData)
ht(i) = [];
%% snowflake factory
function snowflake = snowflake_factory(h, w)
radius = round(rand*h/3 + 10);
sigma = radius/6;
snowflake.velocity = -rand*0.5 - 0.1;
snowflake.x = rand*w;
snowflake.y = h - radius/3;
snowflake.img = fspecial('gaussian', [radius, radius], sigma);
snowflake.alpha = snowflake.img/max(max(snowflake.img));
I don't like the change
I really don't like the change
I'm okay with the change
I love the change
I'm indifferent
I want both the web & help browser
38 votes
Is it possible to differenciate the input, output and in-between wires by colors?
In the past two years, large language models have brought us significant changes, leading to the emergence of programming tools such as GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, Kite, CodeGPT, Replit, Cursor, and many others. Most of these tools support code writing by providing auto-completion, prompts, and suggestions, and they can be easily integrated with various IDEs.
As far as I know, aside from the MATLAB-VSCode/MatGPT plugin, MATLAB lacks such AI assistant plugins for its native MATLAB-Desktop, although it can leverage other third-party plugins for intelligent programming assistance. There is hope for a native tool of this kind to be built-in.
T < 2 years
2 years < T < 5 years
5 years < T < 10 years
10 years < T < 20 years
T > 20 years
10172 votes
Inspired by the suggestion of Mr. Chen Lin (MathWorks), I am writing this post with a humble and friendly intent to share some fascinating insights and knowledge about the Schwarzschild radius. My entry, which is related to this post, is named: 'Into the Abyss - Schwarzschild Radius (a time lapse)'.
The Schwarzschild radius (or gravitational radius) defines the radius of the event horizon of a black hole, which is the boundary beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull of the black hole. This concept comes from the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s field equations in general relativity. Black holes are regions of spacetime where gravitational collapse has caused matter to be concentrated within such a small volume that the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.
This is a rudimentary scientific post, as the matter of Schwarzschild radius - it's true meaning and function, is a much, much, much-more complex "thing" (not known to us entierly, by the third degre of epistemological explanation(s)).
And, very important is to mention: I am NOT an expert - by any means, on this topic, just a very curious guy, in almost anything, that has to do with science.
Schwarzschild Radius (Gravitational Radius)
The Schwarzschild radius (Rₛ) is the critical radius at which an object of mass must be compressed to form a black hole, specifically, a non-rotating, uncharged black hole, known as a Schwarzschild black hole. The Schwarzschild radius is given by the formula: .
Where: .
Key Characteristics are, that for any mass, if that mass is compressed within a sphere with radius equal to , the gravitational field is so strong that not even light can escape, thus forming a black hole. The Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass. Larger masses have larger Schwarzschild radii.
For the Sun : .
So, if the Sun were compressed into a sphere with a radius of ~3 km, it would become a black hole!
Stellar-mass Black Holes form from the collapse of massive stars (roughly ). Their Schwarzschild radius ranges from a few kilometers to tens of kilometers.
Supermassive Black Holes found at the centers of galaxies, such as Sagittarius A in the Milky Way (), their Schwarzschild radii span from a few million to billions of kilometers!
Primordial or Micro Black Holes, are the hypothetical small black holes with masses much smaller than stellar masses, where the Schwarzschild radius could be extremely tiny.
A black hole, in general, is a solution to Einstein’s general theory of relativity where spacetime is curved to such an extent that nothing within a certain region, called the event horizon, can escape.
Types of Black Holes:
1. Schwarzschild (Non-rotating, Uncharged):
- This is the simplest type of black hole, described by the Schwarzschild solution.
- Its key feature is the singularity at the center, where the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite.
- No charge, no angular momentum (spin), and spherical symmetry.
2. Kerr (Rotating):
- Describes rotating black holes.
- Involves an additional parameter called angular momentum.
- Has an event horizon and an inner boundary, known as the ergosphere, where spacetime is dragged around by the black hole's rotation.
3. Reissner–Nordström (Charged, Non-rotating):
- A black hole with electric charge.
- A charged black hole has two event horizons (inner and outer) and a central singularity.
4. Kerr–Newman (Rotating and Charged):
- The most general solution, describing a black hole that has both charge and angular momentum.
Relationship Between Schwarzschild Radius and Black Holes
Formation of Black Holes: When a massive star exhausts its nuclear fuel, gravitational collapse can compress the core beyond the Schwarzschild radius, creating a black hole.
Event Horizon: The Schwarzschild radius marks the event horizon for a non-rotating black hole. This is the boundary beyond which no information or matter can escape the black hole.
Curvature of Spacetime: At distances closer than the Schwarzschild radius, spacetime curvature becomes so extreme that all paths, even those of light, are bent towards the black hole’s singularity.
BTW, the term singularity, scientificaly 😊, means that: we do not have a clue what is really happening right there...
Detailed Properties of Black Holes:
a. Singularity:
At the center of a black hole, within the Schwarzschild radius, lies the singularity, a point (or ring in the case of rotating black holes) where gravitational forces compress matter to infinite density and spacetime curvature becomes infinite. General relativity breaks down at the singularity, and a quantum theory of gravity is required for a complete understanding.
b. Event Horizon:
The event horizon is not a physical surface but a boundary where the escape velocity equals the speed of light. For an outside observer, objects falling into a black hole appear to slow down and fade away near the event horizon due to gravitational time dilation, a prediction of general relativity. From the perspective of the infalling object, however, it crosses the event horizon in finite time without noticing anything special at the moment of crossing.
c. Hawking Radiation: (In the post, I told that there is no radiation - to make it simple, although, there is a relatively newly-found (theoretically) radiation. Truth to be said, some physicists are still chalenging this notion, in some of it's parts...)
Quantum mechanical effects near the event horizon predict that black holes can emit radiation (Hawking radiation), a process through which black holes can lose mass and, over very long timescales, potentially evaporate completely. This process has a temperature inversely proportional to the black hole's mass, making large black holes emit extremely weak radiation. (Very trivialy speaking: the concept supposes that an anti-particle is drawn from the vakum and is anihilated with the black's hole matter (particle), and in the process, the black hole looses mass gradually and proportionally to the released energy - very slowly(!)).
This radiation is significant only for small black holes.
Gravitational Time Dilation (here, as well, things become 'super-weird'...)
Near the Schwarzschild radius, the intense gravitational field leads to time dilation. For an external observer far from the black hole, time appears to slow down for an object moving toward the event horizon. As it approaches the Schwarzschild radius, time dilation becomes so extreme that the object appears frozen in time at the horizon.
The time dilation factor is given by:
Eg. Approaching the Schwarzschild radius and theoretically remaining just outside of it for a few hours would correspond to the passage of approximately several decades on Earth due to relativistic time dilation.
Using relativistic equations, it's estimated that near the event horizon 2 hours (120 minutes) near the black hole Sagittarius A* (as already mentioned ~ 4 million ) - in the center of our galaxy Milky Way, could correspond to 83 years passing on Earth! However, this varies based on the precise distance from the event horizon (give or take, a decade 😬).
Information Paradox (definte answer on this question, 'hold's the keys of the universe' 😊, maybe...)
The black hole information paradox arises from the seeming contradiction between general relativity and quantum mechanics.
According to quantum mechanics, information cannot be destroyed, yet anything falling into a black hole seems to be lost beyond the event horizon. Hawking radiation, which allows a black hole to evaporate, does not appear to carry information about the matter that fell into the black hole, leading to ongoing debates and research into how information is preserved in the context of black holes, or not...!
Schwarzschild Radius is the key parameter defining the size of the event horizon of a non-rotating black hole. Black Holes are regions where the Schwarzschild radius constrains all physical phenomena due to extreme gravitational forces, forming event horizons and singularities. The interaction between general relativity and quantum mechanics in the context of black holes (e.g., Hawking radiation and the information paradox) remains one of the most intriguing areas in modern theoretical physics.
For detailed and further reading: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/physics-and-astronomy/hawking-radiation.
I hope you will find this post, and information provided, interesting.
Hello! The MathWorks Book Program is thrilled to welcome you to our discussion channel dedicated to books on MATLAB and Simulink. Here, you can:
- Promote Your Books: Are you an author of a book on MATLAB or Simulink? Feel free to share your work with our community. We’re eager to learn about your insights and contributions to the field.
- Request Recommendations: Looking for a book on a specific topic? Whether you're diving into advanced simulations or just starting with MATLAB, our community is here to help you find the perfect read.
- Ask Questions: Curious about the MathWorks Book Program, or need guidance on finding resources? Post your questions and let our knowledgeable community assist you.
We’re excited to see the discussions and exchanges that will unfold here. Whether you're an expert or beginner, there's a place for you in our community. Let's embark on this journey together!
We are thrilled to announce the grand prize winners of our MATLAB Shorts Mini Hack contest! This year, we invited the MATLAB Graphics and Charting team, the authors of the MATLAB functions used in every entry, to be our judges. After careful consideration, they have selected the top three winners:
Judge comments: Realism & detailed comments; wowed us with Manta Ray
2nd place – Jenny Bosten
Judge comments: Topical hacks : Auroras & Wind turbine; beautiful landscapes & nightscapes
3rd place - Vasilis Bellos
Judge comments: Nice algorithms & extra comments; can’t go wrong with Pumpkins
Judge comments: Impressive spring & cubes!
In addition, after validating the votes, we are pleased to announce the top 10 participants on the leaderboard:
Congratulations to all! Your creativity and skills have inspired many of us to explore and learn new skills, and make this contest a big success!
You can make a lot of interesting objects with matlab primitive shapes (e.g. "cylinder," "sphere," "ellipsoid") by beginning with some of the built-in Matlab primitives and simply applying deformations. The gif above demonstrates how the Manta animation was created using a cylinder as the primitive and successively applying deformations: (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/communitycontests/contests/8/entries/16252);
Similarly, last year a sphere was deformed to create a face in two of my submissions, for example, the profile in "waking":
You can piece-wise assemble images, but one of the advantages of creating objects with deformations is that you have a parametric representation of the surface. Creating a higher or lower polygon rendering of the surface is as simple as declaring the number of faces in the orignal primitive. For example here is the scene in "snowfall" using sphere with different numbers of input faces:
High poly models aren't always better. Low-polygon shapes can sometimes add a little distance from that low point in the uncanny valley.