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Plotting data from a .csv file

585 views (last 30 days)
Win on 4 Dec 2013
Commented: Anthony Sirico on 15 Jun 2020
Hi I need to plot a graph in MATLAB using data from a .csv file which has 2 columns of data, column A and column B. Can you please tell me the codes to use to do that? Thanks.
  1 Comment
Win on 4 Dec 2013
There is no comma in the file. Just two columns of data.

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Accepted Answer

sixwwwwww on 4 Dec 2013
you can do it as follows:
col1 = Array(:, 1);
col2 = Array(:, 2);
plot(col1, col2)
Carolina Pulido
Carolina Pulido on 10 Jun 2020
I was able using this commands. Thanks. Reddy, check don't use titles into the columns.
Anthony Sirico
Anthony Sirico on 15 Jun 2020
Can i plot data froma CSV file with a column of Names?, i.e col1 = star names, col2 = distances.

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More Answers (1)

Muhammad Usman Saleem
Muhammad Usman Saleem on 23 Jun 2016


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