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Plotting a Spectrogram with data from a csv file

22 views (last 30 days)
Hi I have some data in a csv file. The actual data has 1048576 lines and is too big to upload so I'm attaching a chunk of it which has only 10462 lines of data (trial3.csv). I would like to plot a Spectrogram using these values.
I am using the following lines to plot the data.
col1 = Array(:, 1);
col2 = Array(:, 2);
plot(col1, col2)
Can someone tell me how to make a spectrogram out of it please?

Accepted Answer

Wayne King
Wayne King on 4 Dec 2013
Edited: Wayne King on 4 Dec 2013
Array = csvread('trial3.csv');
dt = mean(diff(Array(:,1)));% sampling period
Fs = 1/dt;
[S,F,T,P] = spectrogram(Array(:,2),300,280,200,Fs);
axis xy; axis tight; colormap(jet); view(0,90);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');
You did not answer the question about what is the lowest frequency you want to resolve. That basically defines your window length. I've just used 300 here which gets you down to about 1700 Hz.
Win on 4 Dec 2013
How would I know the number of periods the window is covering?
Wayne King
Wayne King on 4 Dec 2013
Just as I told you, you multiply the length of the window in samples by the sampling period. That gives you the length of the window in time.

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More Answers (1)

Wayne King
Wayne King on 4 Dec 2013
I don't see the attachment.
You have to obtain the spectrogram on a 1-D signal, not a matrix. So is col2 your data?
What is the sampling interval for this data -- time between measurements.
I doubt that 32 points is enough to get a good spectrogram, I would recommend making your window larger than that, but without more details about your data, it's hard to make a more concrete recommendation.
Win on 4 Dec 2013
The data samples are taken every 2.00E-06 second. Therefore I think that the sampling frequency can be 1/(2.00E-06).
I need to analyse the entire data range to look for special features for eg abrupt changes in the frequency, abnormally high frequencies.
Win on 4 Dec 2013
I have edited my answer above and uploaded the file.

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