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Split and label the region

3 views (last 30 days)
missC on 24 Apr 2014
Commented: Image Analyst on 24 Apr 2014
Hi everyone. I wanted to split the image into half. I have used centroid function and return the value of X and Y. How to label or apply the color into the both regions as I indicated with pink line. Let say, the half (top) colored with green and the other half (bottom) with different color. Thanks
I = imread('img4.tif');
Ibw = im2bw(I);
Ibw = imfill(Ibw,'holes');
Ilabel = bwlabel(Ibw);
stat = regionprops(Ilabel,'centroid');
imshow(I); hold on;
for x = 1: numel(stat)
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Apr 2014
I don't understand. Do you want an image where the top half is one color and the bottom half another? Or you want just the skeletons in those halves to have color and the background to remain black? Either way, why?

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