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Relay block to generate signal PWM

2 views (last 30 days)
my probleme : i have sinsoidal signal the maximum valeur is 1 V and the minimum is 0.7V .
i can't use Relay block to generate signal PWM

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 21 Aug 2011
You mean you have y=a*sin(t), 0.7<a<1? To derive a PWM signal from a sinusoidal wave based on its magnitude, you just need to compare it with a constant. In your case, try to use a Relational Operator block to compare the sinusoidal wave with constant 0.8 and see what is the output of the Relational Operator block.

More Answers (1)

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 21 Aug 2011
Why do you need the relay block to generate the PWM?
This should suffice:
[sine wav] -----> [compare to constante] ------>(PWM output)


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