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Problems converting to C/C++

1 view (last 30 days)
George Lazaridis
George Lazaridis on 19 Jul 2014
Answered: Andy Sonnenburg on 25 Jul 2014
I am converting some of my code to C/C++ and I am getting as expected a lot of error. For example the following piece of code returns error while building due to the fact that i am using a cell, something that is not supported by the compiler. What can i do? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration
K = logical(diff([x(1)+abs(x(1))*2e-7; x; x(end)-abs(x(end))*2e-7])<=0); %
L = {K(2:end) & [K(2); K(2:end-1)~=K(3:end)]};
L = cell2mat(L(1));

Answers (1)

Andy Sonnenburg
Andy Sonnenburg on 25 Jul 2014
In this particular case, the cell array use is not absolutely necessary. Try
K = logical(diff([x(1)+abs(x(1))*2e-7; x; x(end)-abs(x(end))*2e-7])<=0);
L = K(2:end) & [K(2); K(2:end-1)~=K(3:end)];
A cell array can often be replaced with a matrix when all cells of the cell array are of the same type. In this particular case, the cell array has only a single element, and therefore all elements are of the same type.


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