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Create new variable if elements of different variables match in Matlab

3 views (last 30 days)
I have 3 cell arrays: A that has 3 columns and 5000 rows. B that has 5 and 60 columns. C that has 4 columns and 500 rows. Sample of each varaible:
A= { 12 1999 41.2
13 1999 47.7
16 1999 52.7}
B= { 16 452 8 407 31
1037 110 14 873 93
1255 881 20 16 69}
C= { 13 1997 1999 2000
141 1997 1999 2000
174 1997 1999 2000}
If a value of the 1st column of A matches any value of the 1st column of B , I would like to add to A, columns 1, 4 and 5 of B plus a column only with the value 'one' . In case a value of the 1st column of A matches a value of the 1st column of C, I would like to add to A, columns 1 and 4 of C and an extra column with zeroes.
So the output would be:
Output= { 12 1999 41.2
13 1999 47.7 13 2000 0 %match between A & C
16 1999 52.7 16 407 31 1} %match between A & B
Can someone help me? Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 4 Aug 2014
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 5 Aug 2014
ii=[ismember(a1,b1)' ismember(a1,c1)'];
for k=1:numel(a1)
if ii(k,1)==1;
out(k,4:7)=[B(ib,[1 4 5]) {1}];
elseif ii(k,2)==1
out(k,4:6)=[C(ic,[1 4]) {0} ];
Maria on 5 Aug 2014
The code stops running the first time there is a match between A and B. The first 24 rows are matches between A and C and it works. Then it gives the error.

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More Answers (1)

Ben11 on 4 Aug 2014
Here is something to get you started. It's not the most elegant but I think it answers your question. Note that I added NaN in some case in order to keep dimensions consistent.
A= { 12 1999 41.2
13 1999 47.7
16 1999 52.7};
B= { 16 452 8 407 31
1037 110 14 873 93
1255 881 20 16 69};
C= { 13 1997 1999 2000
141 1997 1999 2000
174 1997 1999 2000};
A = cell2mat(A); % transform cell arrays into numeric arrays
B = cell2mat(B);
C = cell2mat(C);
CommonValuesIndicesBinA= find(ismember(A(:,1),B(:,1))) % find indices in A corresponding to matching values in B.
CommonValuesIndicesAinB= find(ismember(B(:,1),A(:,1))) % find indices in B corresponding to matching values in A.
CommonValuesIndicesCinA = find(ismember(A(:,1),C(:,1))); % find indices in A corresponding to matching values in C.
CommonValuesIndicesAinC = find(ismember(C(:,1),A(:,1))); % find indices in C corresponding to matching values in A.
A(CommonValuesIndicesBinA,4:7) = [ B(CommonValuesIndicesAinB,1) B(CommonValuesIndicesAinB,4) B(CommonValuesIndicesAinB,5) 1]; % Add values in A with those you want from B
A(CommonValuesIndicesCinA,4:7) = [ C(CommonValuesIndicesAinC,1) C(CommonValuesIndicesAinC,4) 0 NaN]; % Add values in A with those you want from C. Add NaN at last entry to keep dimensions consistent
Maria on 5 Aug 2014
And I tried with the sample I provided here and it works, but when I do it with my data it does not work!
Ben11 on 5 Aug 2014
I modified the last part with this and I think it should work
for k =1:size(CommonValuesIndicesBinA,1)
p = CommonValuesIndicesBinA(k);
A(p,4:7) = [ B(CommonValuesIndicesAinB(k),1) B(CommonValuesIndicesAinB(k),4) B(CommonValuesIndicesAinB(k),5) 1]; % Add values in A with those you want from B
for kk =1:size(CommonValuesIndicesCinA,1)
pp = CommonValuesIndicesCinA(kk);
A(pp,4:7) = [ C(CommonValuesIndicesAinC(kk),1) C(CommonValuesIndicesAinC(kk),4) 0 NaN]; % Add values in A with those you want from C. Add NaN at last entry to keep dimensions consistent

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