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Cannot save STUDY to external hard drive (MATLAB eeglab)

2 views (last 30 days)
I am having trouble saving my STUDY in EEGLAB to my external hard drive. I had no issues in the past and recently I am unable to save anything to this location. I have set my dr to the specified region and I beleive permissions have been checked and verified. The error I recieve is as follows:
Unable to write file ''
This is not a bug (Error occured in function_savestudy() at line 171)
Here is the line of code in bold:
% [filepath filenamenoext ext] = fileparts(varargin{1});
% filename = [filenamenoext '.study']; % make sure a .study extension
STUDY.filepath = g.filepath;
STUDY.filename = g.filename;
STUDYfile = fullfile(STUDY.filepath,STUDY.filename);
STUDY = std_rmalldatafields(STUDY);
if option_saveversion6, save('-v6' , STUDYfile, 'STUDY');
else save('-v7.3' , STUDYfile, 'STUDY');
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Luke Pezanko
Luke Pezanko on 5 Jan 2022
Doesn't seem to work. I keep receiving a "cannot get file position" error.
Luke Pezanko
Luke Pezanko on 5 Jan 2022
I have no problem loading a STUDY and when I try to dave on my desktop rather than my ssd I am able to but then encounter a javascript error when precomputing channel measures...

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Answers (1)

yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 5 Jan 2022
yes,sir,may be save as .mat file,such as
save('-v7.3' , [STUDYfile '.mat'], 'STUDY');
  1 Comment
Luke Pezanko
Luke Pezanko on 5 Jan 2022
No luck. Don't see an option to save as a .mat. Am I to replace the line below 171 with the .mat line? I'm a novice so apologies in advance.

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