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How to solve Parrot mambo cannot deploy on MacOs

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have another problem while trying to build and deploy code into Parrot Mambo Fly using Simulink
there is the problem
The following error occurred during deployment to your hardware board: Cannot create a communication link with the remote server. Please check the input arguments(ADDRESS and PORT) and make sure the server is running. Additional Information: Connection refused
My settings:
MBP 16 2019
MacOS Big Sur ver 11.6.2
Matlab R2021b 2nd Updated
Simulink Parror Minidrone package
BLE LMP 0x9 (BLE Ver 5.0)
The drone is connected to the PC via Bluetooth PAN
I also have used a windows 10 OS, but the same error still occurs.
Anyone has this problem and solve it?
I appreciate your help in solving this problem.
Thank you

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