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How to Plot Truncated Summation Functions without any add-ons

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to go about plotting a truncated summation function such as
without the use of any add-ons. Almost every resourse I'm finding for Matlab requires a toolbox add-on that I do not have access to, such as PDF from the stats/machine toolbox, or syms from the symbolic math toolbox. If anyone could give a hint on how to approach this, I would apprectate it.

Answers (1)

David Hill
David Hill on 20 Feb 2022
plot(x,y(3,x),x,y(10,x),x,y(20,x));%plot vs. different values of M
  1 Comment
Anthony Koning
Anthony Koning on 20 Feb 2022
I appreciate the answer, but the graph of this plot doesn't make much sense to me, just being straight lines. I understand it compares a handful of values for N, but shouldn't the graph have a sinusoidal shape since the graph is a sum of cosines?

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