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Normalized Sinc using matrix inputs

1 view (last 30 days)
Eric Brown
Eric Brown on 5 Apr 2022
Commented: Eric Brown on 5 Apr 2022
My code is to use the formula sinc(x) = sin(x*pi)/(x*pi) to return a matrix of the same size as the input, and when dealing with a element equal to zero, it is to return a value of one.
function y = normsinc(vec)
y = sin(vec)*pi ./ (vec*pi);
This is what I have right now, but it can't use if statement to check the values of the input. I get the same size output as the input but for zeros I get NaN.
Jan on 5 Apr 2022
" but it can't use if statement to check the values of the input." - why not?
Eric Brown
Eric Brown on 5 Apr 2022
Its school work and they have 'tests' to check that the code follows their guidelines.

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Answers (1)

Jan on 5 Apr 2022
What about appending:
y(isnan(y)) = 1;


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