Convert cell to array

6 views (last 30 days)
Felicia DE CAPUA
Felicia DE CAPUA on 10 Jan 2023
Commented: Bjorn Gustavsson on 10 Jan 2023
Hi everyone,
I have a cell array 64x1 and I would like to convert in array 64x1, but when I use cell2mat I obatin this result:
Why? How can I resolve this problem?
Felicia DE CAPUA
Felicia DE CAPUA on 10 Jan 2023
I have a cell array 64x1, but when I convert this in matrix array I obtain 282301x1. I would like to obtain an array 64x1.
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 10 Jan 2023
Felicia, the elements in your cell-array are themselves arrays, as @KSSV pointed out. When you call cell2mat the contents of the cells are merged, if that is possible, into one array. For this to work the sizes of the elements have to match the right way. For your case, you can check what sizes the cells-contents are by simply typing the name of the cell-array variable at the command-line prompt.
For your expressed objective to make sense you will need to decide which element of each cell you want to extract into your ordinary array. If it for example is the second component in each element you can do something like this:
for i1 = 64:-1:1
a_regular(i1) = cell_variable{i1}(1);

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