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Give initial value to the "AXI4 Random Access Memory" block in simulink

2 views (last 30 days)
I wanted to try out the newly introduced simulink block "AXI4 Random Access Memory". In my design I use the DDR3 simulation model which I copied from one of example designs. I wanted to replace it with this new block but I couldn't find any option to initialize the memory with initial data.
Is there no way to initialze the memory? That seems like a cruical functionality for a memory block in simulation.
Bharath Venkataraman
Bharath Venkataraman on 7 Feb 2023
Could you please give more information on what block you are using? Where did you copy this block from?
The following command may be helpful in getting the information - click on the block first so that gcb is set:
BlockType = get_param(gcb, 'BlockType')

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