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problem to use "UIFigureCloseRequest"

9 views (last 30 days)
piero on 18 Aug 2023
Commented: Walter Roberson on 19 Aug 2023
% Close request function: UIFigure
function UIFigureCloseRequest(app, event)
Warning: Error occurred while executing the listener callback for event Custom defined for class matlabshared.asyncio.internal.Channel:
Error using PredatorManageInstrument/UIFigureCloseRequest
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
> In matlabshared.asyncio.internal/Channel/onCustomEvent (line 538)
In matlabshared.asyncio.internal.Channel>@(source,data)obj.onCustomEvent(data.Type,data.Data) (line 442)

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Aug 2023
The first parameter passed to a UI Figure Close Request Fcn callback is not the app: it is the handle of the component that requested the callback (so, typically the handle of the uifigure)
Unless, that is, you configured the callback as an anonymous function that substitutes app for the normal first parameter.
piero on 19 Aug 2023
Edited: piero on 19 Aug 2023
the app is's information about my tab (34*19 it's my tab)
(i tried to change below something in the code but result doesn't change)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Aug 2023
Notice that app.Setting is [] but you are trying to access app.Setting.Instrument

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