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Mex on macos crashes

12 views (last 30 days)
Simone Ranaldi
Simone Ranaldi on 14 Nov 2023
Commented: Walter Roberson on 30 Nov 2023
Is anyone having troubles in compiling mex files in R2023a (silicon native)?. I have old mex functions that compile fine in windows. In MacOs Sonoma they compile but then MATLAB crashes at runtime.
I see that the official documentation states that mex compiling is supported for XCode 14.x, but on Sonoma you can't install anything except from 15.x

Answers (1)

Sanchari on 30 Nov 2023
Hello Simone,
I understand that you are encountering issues with compiling Mex files in MATLAB R2023a on macOS Sonoma, particularly related to compatibility with Xcode versions and potential runtime crashes.
Please refer the following MathWorks Documentation to verify compatibility:
And follow this ML Answer Learning to troubleshoot the MATLAB crash associated with MEX function:
Also do refer the following ML Answer Learnings for more knowledge regarding MATLAB crashes on Sonoma:
  1. MATLAB crash on Sonoma 14.0:
  2. MATLAB Crash on Sonoma related to licensing:
  3. MATLAB Crash related to MEX:
Hope this information is helpful to you!


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