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Handling data form structures

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Dirk te Brake
Dirk te Brake on 26 Mar 2024
Commented: Dirk te Brake on 27 Mar 2024
I always see people saying not to use eval so I decided to try and use a structures to load in my data. My code works but i feel like it can be done much easier. I have a 13x1 structure within the last field a 200x15 table containing data. Since my data originaly contians comma's instead of points I first need to covert it so matlab can work with it. Using dot indexing gives errors in many cases and strrep can't handle matrix. So my question is how to shorten my code and replace the table data, now in string form, with data in double form. Basicly I feel like there is no need for so many data type conversions. I would like to have my data in a table in my structure but of the type double. Now i can understand this may sound a bit fague so i attached my files. (Since i selected the wrong files I'm not allowed to upload because i reached the maximum amout of upload so i added the code below)
% Specifying the direction and file type
direction = 'C:\Users\tebra\OneDrive\Documents\School\Jaar 2\Experiments 3\Warmtewisselaar\Counter-flow';
type = '*.txt';
Data = dir(fullfile(direction,type)); % Getting all file names in the folder
% Loading all the data using the file names
for i=1:length(Data)
name = Data(i).name;
file = [direction '\' name];
Data(i).data = readtable(file,"VariableNamingRule","preserve","Delimiter","tab");
% Looping through all datasets and obtaining the average
for i = 1:length(Data)
Names = Data(i).data.Properties.VariableNames; %Getting the names of the variabels since the new table doesn't have variablenames
UsedData1 = table2array(Data(i).data); % Convertingen the table2array since the original file uses comma's instead of points
% Replacing all the comma's with points. Needs to be in a for loop because 'strrep' can't handle matrix
for ii = 1:width(UsedData1)
UsedData1(:,ii) = strrep(UsedData1(:,ii), ',', '.');
UsedData2 = cell2table(UsedData1); % Convert cell back to table so i can use dot indexing
Data(i).data = UsedData2; % Placing back the data into the structure
Data(i).data.Properties.VariableNames = Names;
% Getting all values
% Since 'UsedData1' is a cell array, table 'UsedData2' contains the
% data in string format. So to use the data convert to double
FlowrateC = mean(str2double(Data(i).data.('dV2/dt (l/min)'))); %FlowrateC
% ... other measured data
This is a small part of my text file maybe i load it in the wrong way.
G.U.N.T. Geraetebau GmbH
Time dV1/dt (l/min) dV2/dt (l/min) T1 (°C) T2 (°C) T3 (°C) T4 (°C) T5 (°C) T6 (°C) dQ1/dt (kW) dQ2/dt (kW) dQm/dt (kW) dTm (K) km (kW/(m²*K)) Am (m²)
19/03/2024 15:56:08,72 2,22 2,25 58,7 54,9 51,2 22,2 25,6 29,8 -1,15 1,20 1,17 29,1 1,61 0,025
19/03/2024 15:56:09,22 2,22 2,27 58,7 54,9 51,2 22,0 25,6 29,7 -1,15 1,19 1,17 29,0 1,61 0,025
19/03/2024 15:56:09,72 2,24 2,28 58,7 54,9 51,2 21,9 25,5 29,6 -1,14 1,21 1,17 29,1 1,61 0,025
Stephen23 on 27 Mar 2024
Edited: Stephen23 on 27 Mar 2024
Specify the decimal separator character to avoid messing about with text and STRREP and STR2DOUBLE:
T = readtable('test.txt', 'Delimiter','tab', 'DecimalSeparator',',', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve');
T.Time = datetime(T.Time, 'InputFormat','d/M/y H:m:s,SS')
T = 3x15 table
Time dV1/dt (l/min) dV2/dt (l/min) T1 (°C) T2 (°C) T3 (°C) T4 (°C) T5 (°C) T6 (°C) dQ1/dt (kW) dQ2/dt (kW) dQm/dt (kW) dTm (K) km (kW/(m²*K)) Am (m²) ____________________ ______________ ______________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___________ ___________ ___________ _______ ______________ _______ 19-Mar-2024 15:56:08 2.22 2.25 58.7 54.9 51.2 22.2 25.6 29.8 -1.15 1.2 1.17 29.1 1.61 0.025 19-Mar-2024 15:56:09 2.22 2.27 58.7 54.9 51.2 22 25.6 29.7 -1.15 1.19 1.17 29 1.61 0.025 19-Mar-2024 15:56:09 2.24 2.28 58.7 54.9 51.2 21.9 25.5 29.6 -1.14 1.21 1.17 29.1 1.61 0.025
Dirk te Brake
Dirk te Brake on 27 Mar 2024
This works even better and is faster. I would accept this answer but you posted it as a comment instead of an answer.

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Accepted Answer

Voss on 26 Mar 2024
Edited: Voss on 26 Mar 2024
% Specifying the direction and file type
direction = '.';
type = '*.txt';
Data = dir(fullfile(direction,type)); % Getting all file names in the folder
% Loading all the data using the file names
for i=1:length(Data)
name = Data(i).name;
% file = [direction '\' name];
file = fullfile(direction,name);
Data(i).data = readtable(file,"VariableNamingRule","preserve","Delimiter","tab");
% table variable conversion functions:
F1 = @(x)strrep(x,',','.');
F2 = @datetime;
F3 = @str2double;
% Looping through all datasets and obtaining the average
for i = 1:length(Data)
T = Data(i).data; % for convenience of notation, store the table as T
Nvars = width(T);
T = convertvars(T,1:Nvars,F1); % replace ',' with '.' in all table variables
T = convertvars(T,1,F2); % convert variable 1 to datetime
T = convertvars(T,2:Nvars,F3); % convert other variables to double
Data(i).data = T; % store the new table back in Data
% FlowrateC = mean(T.('dV2/dt (l/min)')) %FlowrateC
FlowrateC = mean(T.(2)) % if you know 'dV2/dt (l/min)' is always the 2nd table, variable you can do this
FlowrateC = 2.2267
Dirk te Brake
Dirk te Brake on 26 Mar 2024
Edited: Dirk te Brake on 26 Mar 2024
Thanks this is a lot cleaner, always forget to use anonymous functions. I still think cell arrays are not that user friendly, but maybe that's just me.
"UsedData1(:,ii) = strrep(UsedData1(:,ii),"'","");" I forgot to delete this part.
Voss on 26 Mar 2024
You're welcome!

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