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How to compare an array with 2D matrix?

2 views (last 30 days)
Emmanuel on 21 Oct 2016
Commented: Emmanuel on 21 Oct 2016
If I have an array A= [1,2] and matrix B= [3,4;8,6;1,2], How can I say that array A is present in B?

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 21 Oct 2016
doc ismember

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Oct 2016
Try ismember() with the 'rows' option:
[~, matchingRows] = ismember(A, B, 'rows')
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Oct 2016
Emmanuel, try this:
A= [1,2]
B= [3,4;8,6;1,2; 4,5; 1,2]
[inA, inB] = ismember(B, A, 'rows')
matchingRows = find(inB)
Emmanuel on 21 Oct 2016
Yeah! That works. Thank you very much..

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