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Another way to do what strsplit does

3 views (last 30 days)
Sofia Batista
Sofia Batista on 17 Dec 2016
Edited: Stephen23 on 17 Dec 2016
What I am looking for is a way to do what strsplit does since my teacher said he didn't know this function and therefore i could not use it. My code so far is
function [n_nos, graph] = Receber1( fich )
f = fopen(fich, 'r');
if f == -1
disp('Insucesso ao abrir o ficheiro.');
n_nos = 0;
graph = [];
while feof(f) == 0
line = fgetl(f);
graph(end+1, :) = str2double(strsplit(strtrim(line)));
n_nos = n_nos+1;
fechar = fclose(f);
if fechar == 0
disp('Ficheiro carregado com sucesso.');
disp('Insucesso ao fechar o ficheiro.');
n_nos = -1;
Thank you so much.
Sofia Batista
Sofia Batista on 17 Dec 2016
Indeed!! I am very restrained because of him and my code is working perfectly but i can't use it.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 17 Dec 2016
Edited: Jan on 17 Dec 2016
The str2double(strsplit(strtrim(.))) is an overkill here, when a simple sscanf does the same already:
function [n_nos, graph] = Receber1( fich )
f = fopen(fich, 'r');
if f == -1 % IMPORTANT: Stop with an error
error('Insucesso ao abrir o ficheiro: %s', fich);
n_nos = 0;
graph = [];
while feof(f) == 0
line = fgetl(f);
graph(end+1, :) = sscanf(line, '%f').'; [EDITED]
n_nos = n_nos+1;
fclose(f); % No test required
If the opening of the file fails, stopping with an error is the only secure reaction. Returning without defining the outputs will produce a strange and confusing error message instead.
General rule: Let the code stop in case of an error to avoid running the program in an undefined state with potentially unpredictable effects.
Closing the file can fail under extremely rare conditions only and will not produce any harm. Only if this happens about 250 times, Matlab cannot open files anymore, but this is detected by checking the -1 after fopen already.
Jan on 17 Dec 2016
Edited: Jan on 17 Dec 2016
A typo: sscanf(line, '%f') instead of sscanf('%f', line). See the [EDITED] line.
Sofia Batista
Sofia Batista on 17 Dec 2016
Thank you !!! It's perfect!

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