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Help with a phasor diagram

11 views (last 30 days)
Brian Hoblin
Brian Hoblin on 28 Jan 2017
Commented: Star Strider on 28 Jan 2017
I'm trying to make a phasor diagram for a lab report. I'm really new to MATLAB and this is the first time I've tried this. Our textbook has a MATLAB code that is supposed to make a phasor diagram but I keep getting an error message that I can't seem to resolve, "Expression or statement is incorrect--possibly unbalanced (, {, or [.". The commented lines are what I need to run and the uncommented lines are from my textbook. The parenthesis and brackets are balanced so I'm not sure why I'm getting this message. Could someone please advise me on this?
% V1=1.716924368*exp(-j*80.1137631*pi/180);
% V2=9.8515059*exp(j*-9.8862369*pi/180);

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 28 Jan 2017
The disp call is causing the problem.
See if this does what you want:
fprintf(1, '\n\tV = %3.4g Phase = %3.4g°\n', MagV, PhaseVDeg)
It is best to use fprintf or sprintf when you want formatted output of any sort, and if the output includes different classes of variables.

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