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What is the tuning method used in PID tuner apps (SIMULINK)?

1 view (last 30 days)
I am using PID tuner app in simulink to tune my PID gain. But, I am not sure what is the method that been employed by this app to calculate PID gain (for example, Ziegler Nicholas method, Skogestad's, etc)? I need to know, since I want to justify it in my thesis.
Thank you.
  1 Comment
Aila Manarang
Aila Manarang on 7 Jul 2021
Hello. May I ask if you found the answer to your question? We also need to justify it in our thesis. Thanks

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Answers (2)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 25 Apr 2017
PID Tuner app uses proprietary tuning algorithm developed by MathWorks. More details in the doc .
Sarkar Jawhar
Sarkar Jawhar on 17 Aug 2023
Hello Mr Turevskiy,
The doc link is not available, coud you please clarify on what principle the tuning algorithm is based on? Regards

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jia wan
jia wan on 1 May 2017
I find that the parameters 'Response Time' and 'Trasient Behavior' are the rise time and damping ratio of second order system. Based on the second order system, the phase margin and crossover frequency can be calculated. Then the PI controller is easily calculated.

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