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how to perform atlas selection of identical grades?

2 views (last 30 days)
hi! I am doing brain tumor segmentation project with MRI images.I want to have a atlas of all ground truths.I want to identify exact ground truth for input MRI image.At first I need to select all the ground truths related to my input and then i can do comparision only on those selected to select ground truths?

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Mar 2017
Creating ground truth information for MRI requires surgical dissection together with techniques such as mass spectroscopy.
I assisted with some of the software used to update some of the earlier versions of the Human Brain Atlas. There is absolutely no possible way to extract ground truth from MRI alone.
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Sandhiya Prakash
Sandhiya Prakash on 24 Mar 2017
I have downloaded dataset from BRATS.I am having Flair,T1,T1c,T2 with ground truths for each patient.Now based on my input flair image i need to select ground truths of identical grade.That is,if tumor is on left hemisphere in my input i need to select ground truths that have tumor on left hemisphere alone.

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