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How can I move a point parallel to a created plane?

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I have created a triangle plane from three (x,y,z) coordinates, and a separate point which is in the centre of the triangle. I need to be able to move this point parallel to my created plane. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this? I have only managed to move this point perpendicular to my plane, using the cross function.

Accepted Answer

Benjamin Großmann
Benjamin Großmann on 23 Apr 2018
Edited: Benjamin Großmann on 23 Apr 2018
Assuming your points are called p1, p2 and p3: One simple approach would be to define a coordinate system (non-orthonormal) with axes (p2-p1) and (p3-p1) as in-plane axes and the cross-product of these axes as third axis. You can then move the point inside this coordinate system and transfrom it in the world system for plotting and further calculations. The z-axis of this triangle-system is perpendicular to the triangle plane.
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p1 = [8 3 7]';
p2 = [5 9 2]';
p3 = [3 8 1]';
points = [p1 p2 p3];
% Transformation from world frame to triangle frame
% non-orthonormal transformation (normalization possible)
T = [p2-p1 p3-p1 cross(p2-p1,p3-p1) p1; 0 0 0 1];
% Move the point in the Triangle frame and transform to world frame
point_in_triangle_system = [1 1 0 1]'; % the last "1" is for homogenization
point_in_world_system = T*point_in_triangle_system;
% plot triangle and point
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If you provide your code, some more specific help is possible; Furthermore, I am pretty sure that Robotics System Toolbox contains functions for the transformation.

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