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Why when i load workspace manually the code works but when i try to load it from code doesn't?

3 views (last 30 days)
Im trying to load some workspace variables for a neural network from code by using this
S0 = load('mynet.mat');
but when i run it i get this error:
Undefined function or variable 'myNet'.
Error in transfer (line 46)
nnet = myNet; % Load the neural net
If i am loading it manually and run it i have no problems. Why and how can i make it work from code?

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Accepted Answer

Dennis on 4 Jul 2018
Edited: Dennis on 4 Jul 2018
If you use load('mynet.mat') in command line you will load all variables in mynet.mat to your workspace. Hence myNet will exist if it is a variable in mynet.mat.
If you assign S0=load('mynet.mat') you will create a structure S0 that contains all variables stored in mynet.mat. myNet does not exist because it is part of S0.
myNet=S0.myNet; %creates a variable myNet with the content of S0.myNet

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