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Performance Running Matlab in a Virtual machine with windows 10

10 views (last 30 days)
We have created a Virtual Machine in an VMware esxi Server and the user is complaining about the performance of the VM. Just looking on internet i read that we have poor performance with xeon CPU. is it true? Seem we can mitigate this installing parallel toolbox but from what i have understood also the code it must be rewritten in the correct way. we can fix in any way?

Answers (1)

Yash Trivedi
Yash Trivedi on 10 Jul 2018
Hi Giovanni,
According to this thread -, you might be running the MATLAB process on a single server core having a comparatively lower processor clock speed.
I was unable to find any article or post which corroborates that MATLAB has poor performance with Xeon CPU and hence don't think that's the case.


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