How to play 5 different audio signals x1 to x5 with the function audioplaye​r(x(i),fs,​nBits,22)

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I have a function which generates multiple sweep generator and it looks like this:
function [x, xinv,y_m]=genmesm_far(fs,T,f_start,f_end,A,L1,L2,tau_2) %Multiple exp. Sweepgenerator. x_m = A*sin(W1*siglen_MESM/log(W2/W1).*(exp(((0:siglen_MESM)./siglen_MESM)*log(W2/W1))-1)); %Multiple Sine Sweep
t = delay (imax,e, L1 ,tau_k);
x = zeros(length(x_m)+t_max+fs,imax);
for n = 1:imax
x(:,n) = [zeros(t(n)+fs,1);x_m';zeros(t_max -t(n),1)];
x1 = x(:,1);
x2 = x(:,2);
x3 = x(:,3);
x4 = x(:,4);
x5 = x(:,5);
y_m = x1+x2+x3+x4+x5;% Simulated Measurement
I need to play x1 to X5 and record it..I am using digital audio toolbox: The code below looks like this: s = daq.createSession('directsound'); %create session s.DurationInSeconds =7 ; %duration; s.UseStandardSampleRates = true; s.Rate = fs;
devs = daq.getDevices; %list audio devices in system
[ch12, idx12] = addAudioOutputChannel(s,devs(22).ID,1:2); %balancedlineoutput_1&2
[ch34, idx34] = addAudioOutputChannel(s,devs(18).ID,1:2); %balancedlineoutput_3&4
[ch56, idx56] = addAudioOutputChannel(s,devs(15).ID,1:2); %balancedlineoutput_5&6
queueOutputData(s, [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1]);
My question is how can I play all these output from x1 to x5 in a loop in the function audioplayer
nBits = 24;
playOBJ = audioplayer(x1,fs,nBits,22);
recOBJ = audiorecorder(fs,nBits,2,-1);
recordedData = getaudiodata(recOBJ, 'double');
recordedData1 = recordedData(:,1);
recordedData2 = recordedData(:,2);

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