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Finding index between two parallel lines

2 views (last 30 days)
I have bathymetry data (an intuition is attached here) which is stored in a regular 10m-resolution grid with the following limits:
  • In the x-axis: xmin:10:xmax. This contains 3039 columns
  • In the y-axis: ymin:10:ymax. This forms 1195 rows
  • The depth is Z matrix whose size is equal to 1195x 3039;
And I have 2 parallel lines crossing this bathymetry with the following information:
  • Line 1 is defined as points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
  • Line 2 is defined as points (x3,y3) and (x4,y4)
My task is to find indices between these two lines. Could you please help to solve this?
Many thanks
Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Mar 2019
My task is to find indices between these two lines.
‘Index’ means different things in different contexts (e.g. matrix, book, etc.). How do you define it here?
wave_buoys on 10 Mar 2019
Edited: wave_buoys on 10 Mar 2019
Hi, Star Strider,
I have updated the intuition as an photo attached. The indices are defined based on the matrix Z (water depth) which is bounded by xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax.
The area to find indices is a parallelogram, so it might be more tricky than a square or rectangular shape. In other words, I can't use idx=find (x>= xmin & x<= xmax & y>=ymin & x<=ymax) to define the indices in the parallelogram region.

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Accepted Answer

darova on 10 Mar 2019
You can use inpolygon
clc, clear
xmin = 50;
xmax = 551;
ymin = -35;
ymax = -800;
y1 = ymax + 150;
y4 = ymin - 150;
k_up = (y1 - ymin)/(xmax-xmin);
k_down = (ymax - y4)/(xmax-xmin);
cla, hold on
for x = xmin:10:xmax
y_start = ceil(y1 - x*k_up);
y_end = floor(ymax - x*k_down);
for y = y_start:-10:y_end
hold off
  1 Comment
wave_buoys on 10 Mar 2019
Edited: wave_buoys on 10 Mar 2019
Hi darova ,
Thanks for the code.
it looks you are on the right track. Using inpolygon works for me! Here is my approach:
polx=[2908,2943,2938,2916]; % define x-coordinates for the polygon
poly=[5757,5760,5759,5756]; % define y-coordinates for the polygon
% XB, YB: two-dimensional matrices defined by meshgrid(xmin:10:xmax,ymin:10:ymax);
[in,out]=inpolygon(XB,YB,polx,poly); % this returns logical values
nums_idx = double(in); % then I converted into numbers
idxall=find(nums_idx); % find non-zero values
XC=XB(idxall); YC=YB(idxall); % this returns to indices inside the polygon!
Thanks for your help with suggesting to use inpolygon again.

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