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Export data to text file

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LINDO MTSWENI on 6 May 2019
Commented: LINDO MTSWENI on 6 May 2019
I have the following information From the code I created
Beam number = 2
Weight = 56.01
Maximum stress = 169.34
I want export the above that to a text file called BestBeam.txt
It should look like this
Beam Data: 2
Weight: 56.01 Kg
Maximum Stress: 169.43 MPa
Can someone tell help me
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 6 May 2019
Where is your cell array that contains the unit to use for each element?
LINDO MTSWENI on 6 May 2019
I'm so sorry I forgot to put it in...I looks like this units={ ' ','Kg',' MPa'};

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