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Migrating Matlab's molecule viewer to UIFigure

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Filip on 7 Aug 2019
Edited: Filip on 8 Aug 2019
Matlab's molecule viewer uses Jmol (an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D) inside the Matlab-figure enviroment. I am now trying to get the JavaScript version of Jmol (JSmol) to work inside a Matlab UIFigure, which - as far as I understand - uses HTML/CSS/Javascript to essentially build a "Web app". I have been reading on Yair Altman's blog undocumentedmatlab to get some clues on how to interact with the UIFigure's document-object-model(DOM). Unfortunately I have not been able to embed the relevent JSmol code to the DOM. I am using mlapptools to manipulate the DOM.
I am thankful for any pointers that might help in trying to get this to work.
Here is my demo code where I am trying to inject the relevent script tags (scriptText) to the head tag.
% Create the figure
fig = uifigure('Name', 'JSmol test');
panel = uipanel(fig);
totalWidth = 450; %px
totalHeight = 350; %px
% set the uipanel's Position property to the required dimensions
panel.Position(3) = totalWidth; % WIDTH
panel.Position(4) = totalHeight; % HEIGHT
scriptText = [...
'''<script type="text/javascript" src="./jsmol/JSmol.min.js"></script>\n', ...
' <script type="text/javascript" src="./jsmol/jquery/jquery.js"></script>\n', ...
'Jmol._isAsync = false;\n', ...
'var jmolApplet0;\n', ...
'var s =;\n', ...
'Jmol._debugCode = (s.indexOf("debugcode") >= 0);\n', ...
'jmol_isReady = function(applet) {\n', ...
' document.title = (applet._id + " - Jmol " + Jmol.___JmolVersion)\n', ...
' Jmol._getElement(applet, "appletdiv").style.border="1px solid blue"\n', ...
'}\n', ...
'var Info = {\n', ...
' width: 420,\n', ...
' height: 300,\n', ...
' debug: false,\n', ...
' color: "0xFFFFFF",\n', ...
' addSelectionOptions: true,\n', ...
' use: "HTML5", \n', ...
' j2sPath: "./jsmol/j2s", \n', ...
' jarPath: "./java",\n', ...
' jarFile: "JmolAppletSigned.jar",\n', ...
' isSigned: true,\n', ...
' script: "set zoomlarge false;set antialiasDisplay;load data/1STM-chainA.pdb",\n', ...
' serverURL: "",\n', ...
' readyFunction: jmol_isReady,\n', ...
' disableJ2SLoadMonitor: true,\n', ...
' allowJavaScript: true \n', ...
'}\n', ...
'$(document).ready(function() {\n', ...
' $("#appdiv").html(Jmol.getAppletHtml("jmolApplet0", Info))\n', ...
'})\n', ...
' var lastPrompt=0;', ...
'</script>''', ...
% get the uipanel data-tag attr.
[webWindow, panelID] = mlapptools.getWebElements(panel);
% Make a nodeID string to make the JS call more generic
nodeID = sprintf('''[%s="%s"]''', panelID.ID_attr, panelID.ID_val);
% JS that creates a div called appdiv where JSmol will be put
js = sprintf( ...
[ ...
'var d = document.createElement("div");', ...
'd.setAttribute("id","appdiv");', ...
'.replaceChild(d,document.querySelectorAll(%s)[0].firstChild);' ...
], ...
nodeID, nodeID ...
% execute the JS
% get the webWindow object
webWindow = mlapptools.getWebWindow(fig);
% inject the script tags
webWindow.executeJS(['document.head.innerHTML += ',scriptText]);

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