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Moving point with fixed distance and random direction

5 views (last 30 days)
Hi guys. I am doing simulation of user distribution. I have generated some random points to represent the users.
But now, I want to make the points move so that the users are walking with constant speed.
I want to make moving points animiation with
  • Fixed distance (distance between point A and point B = point B to point C)
  • Random direction
And I want to record all the coordinates of points. Thank you.
Daniel M
Daniel M on 3 Nov 2019
Edited: Daniel M on 3 Nov 2019
Are you saying you have user 1 at point A and you want the coordinates of all possible points to a fixed distance point B? That would just be the surface of a sphere with radius B and origin A.
Where is user 2 located? We need more information.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 3 Nov 2019
Edited: Adam Danz on 3 Nov 2019
Perhaps an illustration would help to define the problem.
"If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution." -Albert Einstein

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Answers (1)

Neeraj Rajpurohit
Neeraj Rajpurohit on 7 Apr 2021
DISCLAIMER: These are my own views and in no way depict those of MathWorks.
The following code might help you get started. It shows 10 users moving in random directions with a constant velocity. Note that I used ‘findobj’ and ‘set’ functions to get update plot coordinates. Please find the relevant documentation link below.
hold off;
box on;
users = 10;
xValues = uint8(rand(1,users) * 100);
yValues = uint8(rand(1,users) * 100);
xdValues = uint8(rand(1,users) * 100);
ydValues = uint8(rand(1,users) * 100);
rt = scatter(yValues, xValues, 'blue');
axis([0 100 0 100]);
step_size = 1;
while 1
y_t = double(ydValues)-double(yValues);
x_t = double(xdValues)-double(xValues);
x = zeros(1,users);
y = zeros(1,users);
for i=1:users
if(x_t(i) == 0)
y(i) = double(yValues(i))+ sign(y_t(i)) * step_size;
m = y_t(i)./x_t(i);
sine = m./sqrt(1+m.^2);
cosine = 1./sqrt(1+m.^2);
x(i) = double(xValues(i)) + cosine.*sign(x_t(i))*step_size;
y(i) = double(yValues(i))+ (abs(sine) .* sign(y_t(i))) * step_size;
xValues = x;
yValues = y;
d = sqrt(y_t.^2 + x_t.^2);
h = findobj(rt);
prevX = get(h,'XData');
prevY = get(h,'YData');

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